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New features、bugfix and long-term support will be suppored at there.


This repo is used to create presto cluster in Kubernetes.

Basic Functions

  1. Create Presto Coordinator, Worker, Service and Configmap automatically according to the user's CR.

  2. Presto's etc configs,catalog configs and core-site.xml are all integrated in the CR of PrestoClusters, please refer to the samplae prestooperator_v1alpha1_prestocluster.yaml.

Run and Deploy

# Run in local
make install
make run

# Deploy to the Kubernetes
kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/prestooperator.k8s.io_prestoclusters.yaml
kubectl apply -f setup/operator.yaml

Quick Start

kubectl apply -f config/samples/prestooperator_v1alpha1_prestocluster.yaml

kubectl get pcs
NAME                  AGE
presto-test-cluster   40m

kubectl describe pcs presto-test-cluster
Name:         presto-test-cluster
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         PrestoCluster
  Creation Timestamp:  2021-01-29T15:02:15Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    5272151740
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 f97254ae-6242-11eb-8098-6e638ff50718
  Catalog Config:
  Available Workers:  2
  Type    Reason                 Age   From             Message
  ----    ------                 ----  ----             -------
  Normal  workers counts update  40m   presto-operator  presto-test-cluster workers counts changed: 0 -> 2

kubectl get pod
presto-test-cluster-coordinator-7c8458bb79-sl4lr   1/1     Running     0          42m
presto-test-cluster-worker-54bd79b57c-k6pz6        1/1     Running     0          42m
presto-test-cluster-worker-54bd79b57c-pchdx        1/1     Running     0          42m

Notice about the PrestoClusters's Yaml(onfig/samples/prestooperator_v1alpha1_prestocluster.yaml)

All the configs under the spec.coordinatorConfig.etcConfig will be mounted to /usr/lib/presto/etc in the Presto Coordinator's container.
All the configs under the spec.workerConfig.etcConfig will be mounted to /usr/lib/presto/etc in the Presto Workers's container.
All the configs under the spec.catalogConfig will be mounted to /usr/lib/presto/catalog/etc/catalog both in the
Presto Coordinator's container and Workers's container.
All the configs under the spec.coresit will be mounted to the /tmp both in the Presto Coordinator's container and Workers's container.