@jiutianhuanpei 有时打印是存在打印不全的问题,这是应该是Xcode的问题吧!你可以换个方式打印试试 ` #define HLLog(s, ...) printf("class: method: %s \n%s\n", self, [[[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__] lastPathComponent] UTF8String], __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [[NSString stringWithFormat:(s), ##__VA_ARGS__] UTF8String] )`
Once the group start, the `_operations = nil` is executing. So it not run multiple times. But when the group start, it still can add operations and set completion, It...
@LevineKwok Wouldn't it be better to use `NS_ENUM(...)` for `mj_scrollDirection`?😁😁
从UIView源码内部实现逻辑看,并不会影响内存的开销,而调用`[super drawRect:rect]` 仅仅是调用了一个空方法。 况且很多系统的UI控件都实现了drawRect方法,都有自定义的绘制任务,也没有说会影响内存。  ```objc /* @class UIView(CALayerDelegate) */ -(int)drawLayer:(int)arg2 inContext:(int)arg3 { var_40 = d9; stack[-72] = d8; r31 = r31 + 0xffffffffffffffb0; var_30 = r24; stack[-56] = r23;...
@ygfygf 方便更详细的描述一下复现的步骤吗?
@devpayapp 贴几段你使用的代码呢。
@zhujia18 在 `llvm-MathExtras.h` 添加一下: `#include `