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Simple scrollspy without jQuery, no dependencies

Simple Scrollspy

NPM version

Simple scrollspy is a lightweight javascript library without jQuery, no dependencies. It is used to make scrollspy effect for your menu, table of contents, etc. Only 1.4Kb.

This is a scrollspy demo for my menu in the navigation bar.


  1. Via NPM:

Install NPM package -

npm install simple-scrollspy
  1. The other way, you also can inject simple-scrollspy.min.js file into your HTML code:
<script src="/path/to/dist/simple-scrollspy.min.js"></script>


Easy for using, syntax just like this:

scrollSpy(menuElement, options)

This little plugin will add active class into your existing menu item when you scroll your page to a matched section by ID. If you are giving it a try, make sure that you:

  1. Added CSS for active class in your menu item. Because, this plugin do NOT include CSS.
  2. Added ID for your sections. Example: <section id="first-section">...</section>
  3. Added an attribute which is an section ID into your menu items. Default is href. Example: "href"="#first-section". You also replace href with the other name by hrefAttribute in options.


  1. The menuElement is query selector to your menu. It is String or HTMLElement instance.
  2. The options is optional. It is type of Object which contains properties below:
Name Type Default Description
sectionClass String .scrollspy Query selector to your sections
menuActiveTarget String li > a Element will be added active class
offset Number 0 Offset number
hrefAttribute String href The menu item's attribute name which contains section ID
activeClass String active Active class name will be added into menuActiveTarget
scrollContainer String, HTMLElement empty string User Defined Scrolling Container
smoothScroll Boolean, Object false Enable the smooth scrolling feature
smoothScrollBehavior Function undefined Define your smooth scroll behavior

ES6 example

import scrollSpy from 'simple-scrollspy'

const options = {
  sectionClass: '.scrollspy',           // Query selector to your sections
  menuActiveTarget: '.menu-item',       // Query selector to your elements that will be added `active` class
  offset: 100,                          // Menu item will active before scroll to a matched section 100px
  scrollContainer: '.scroll-container', // Listen scroll behavior on `.scroll-container` instead of `window`

// init:
scrollSpy(document.getElementById('main-menu'), options)

// or shorter:
scrollSpy('#main-menu', options)

Inject static file

<script src="/path/to/dist/simple-scrollspy.min.js"></script>
  window.onload = function () {
    scrollSpy('#main-menu', {
      sectionClass: '.scrollspy',
      menuActiveTarget: '.menu-item',
      offset: 100,
      // smooth scroll
      smoothScroll: true,
      smoothScrollBehavior: function(element) {
        console.log('run "smoothScrollBehavior"...', element)
        element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }) // default behavior

Smooth scroll

import jumpTo from 'jump.js'

scrollSpy('#main-menu', {
  // ....,

  // enable smooth scroll:
  // - true: enable with the default scroll behavior
  // - false: disable this feature
  // - object: enable with some options that will pass to `Element.scrollIntoView` or `smoothScrollBehavior`
  //   + Default behavior:
  //   + Jump.js:
  smoothScroll: true,

  // customize scroll behavior,
  // - default: Element.scrollIntoView({ ...smoothScroll, behavior: 'smooth' })
  // - customize: you can define your scroll behavior. Ex: use `jump.js`, jQuery, .etc
  smoothScrollBehavior: function(element, options) {
    // use `jump.js` instead of the default scroll behavior
    jumpTo(element, {
      duration: 1000,
      offset: -100,


$ yarn install
$ yarn dev


$ yarn build


$ npm run build

The dist folder is automatically created and include file simple-scrollspy.min.js


  • Feel free to make a pull request if you can, and create a Github issue if you come across one.
  • Don't forget to give a star if you feel that the library is helpful to you. It may save somebody a lot of trouble some day.

Helpful links
