random-sublime-text-plugin copied to clipboard
Plugin for sublime text to generate random, ints, floats, strings and words
Adds nickname generator of the style of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode "Space Mutiny". Name list comes from a related Mastodon/Twitter bot: - - , The Unlicense/Public Domain Original...
implementation of an additional mode to randomly select (with replacement) from a list inputed by the user. This also then solve request/issue #30
It would be nice if UUID was documented. Specifically which version of UUID you are using.
Currently if you invoke the Random int or Random float commands repeatedly, it always displays the default range `1,100` regardless of what has been entered last time. It would be...
Currently, if something is selected already generated value doesn't replace the selection but gets prepended to it. This is somewhat illogical. I'd expect the generated value to replace the selection.
Fixes #25 Used method from `int` and `float` ranges to add custom length for `random_letter` as `random_letter_window` and `random_letter_and_number` as `random_letter_and_number_window`. Command name change may break custom user-created key bindings,...
It would be nice if I can enter some words that would work like the range does in "random int" For example, if I want to generate 30 random values...
It would be nice to be able to generate a GUID in the same way.
It would be useful if the random letters generation would prompt for the number of characters to generate. Quite often I'll want to generate a random string of letters of...
This might be a good place to start: https://github.com/twolfson/sublime-plugin-tests