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Project based and order based
I have been looking into kimai and I have some suggestions to make kimai available for time and resource based tracking for manufacturers etc where time for machines ( operations ) and materials is tracked . Some years ago I did make my own time and resource tracking system, based on php, mysql and openoffice, for calculating costings of an production order. So I think I will give it a try with kimai. I have the following suggestions :
A new table is created storing units like kimai_units having the following descriptions :
unitID unitname dimension_no unitdimension1 unitdimension2 unitdimension3 unitdimension4
unitID : is self explaining unitname : is kg, m2 ( square ), pcs ( stück ), m3 ( volume ) etc etc. dimension_no : is number of dimensions to describe a unit unitdimensionX : is the unit of each dimension to describe the unitname i.e. m, mm etc etc
A new table for inventories called kimai_inventory :
invotryID inventoryno inventoryname inventorytype inventoryprice unitID operation_circ
inventoryID : is selfexplaining inventoryno : optional for importing from external DB not to conflict with inventoryID inventoryname : is description of the inventory inventorytype : is the kind of inventory i.e. item, operation, expendables. Inventoryprice : is the price for the item, operation or expendables. UnitID : unit of item, operation, expandable operation_circ : is a flag to be set if a an operator can leave an operation and go on to another operation without finishing the recent one.
A new table for inventories in a parts list called kimai_parts_list :
part_listID inventoryID part_inventoryID part_inventoryvalue part_rank timestamp
part_listID : is self explaining inventoryID : is the inventory which a part list is made for part_inventoryID : inventoryID which inventory is made up of part_inventoryvalue : Value of part_inventoryID required for use with inventoryID part_rank : rank order of part_inventoryID, if more timestamp : Just to get track of when it was created
kimai_projects expands with a new column ordno in case of import from another database with order numbers.
kimai_expenses expands with inventoryID ( from kimai_parts_list ), unitdimension1 to unitdimension4.
kimai_projects_activities expands with inventoryID ( from kimai_inventory ) and invontory_no and inventoryprice
kimai_timesheet expands with part_listID
I think I covered everything up here to get a time tracking system for production companies.
The hierarchical order is then :
order number ( projectID or ordno in kimai_projects ) InventoryID in kimai_projects_activities part_listID depend of InventoryID
The four boxes below on the web interface has then to reflect the hierarchical order i.e. customers is ordernumbers, projects is inventoryID's linked to ordernumbers( products ) and activites is part_listID linked to each inventoryID.
I don't know if the above give any sense, but implemented in the right way, kimai would be extreme useful for sub suppliers and manufacturing.
I'm not familiar at all with the topic but if you wan't to implement this, feel free to do so.I can't say if we will include it in the core distribution. Maybe as an extension, but for that the extension mechanism must be improved quite a lot (database changes, etc.).
- 1 tracking machine time would be an essential feature for us. Problem so far: we could create a "user" for the machine, but then we had to log on and off to start / stop tracking