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Gökyüzü - "sky" in Turkish - is a python client for the bsky.social social network.

gokyuzu - bluesky python client

Gökyüzü - "sky" in Turkish - is a python client for the bluesky social network.


pip install gokyuzu

Sample Usage

from gokyuzu import Bluesky

bsky = Bluesky("handle.bsky.social", "PASSWORD")
response = bsky.resolveHandle("handle.bsky.social")


List of Implemented API Calls:


  • def disableInviteCodes( codes=None, accounts=None)
  • def getInviteCodes( sort='recent', limit=100, cursor="")
  • def getModerationAction( action_id)
  • def getModerationActions( subject=None, limit=10, cursor="")
  • def getModerationReport( report_id)
  • def getModerationReports( subject=None, resolved=None, limit=10, cursor="")
  • def getRecord( uri=None, cid=None)
  • def getRepo( user_did)
  • def resolveModerationReports( action_id, report_ids, created_by)
  • def reverseModerationAction( action_id, reason, created_by)
  • def searchRepos( query, limit=10, cursor="")
  • def takeModerationAction( action, subject, reason, created_by)
  • def updateAccountEmail( account, email)
  • def updateAccountHandle( new_handle, handle=None, user_did=None)


  • def resolveHandle( handle)
  • def updateHandle( handle)


  • def queryLabels( uri_patterns, sources=None, limit=10, cursor="")
  • def subscribeLabels( cursor="", is_stream=True)


  • def applyWrites( repo, writes, validate=True, swapCommit=None)
  • def createRecord( repo, record, collection, record_key=None, validate=True, swapCommit=None)
  • def deleteRecord( repo, record, collection, swapRecord=None, swapCommit=None)
  • def describeRepo( repo)
  • def getAdminRecord( user_did, collection, record_key, commit=None)
  • def listRecords( user_did, collection, limit=10, record_key_start=None, record_key_end=None, reverse=False)
  • def putRecord( repo, collection, record_key, record, validate=True, swapRecord=None, swapCommit=None)
  • def uploadBlob( blob_bytes)
  • def uploadImage( image_path)
  • def followRecord( handle=None, user_did=None)
  • def unfollowRecord( handle=None, user_did=None)


  • def createAccount( email, handle, password, inviteCode)
  • def createAppPassword( name)
  • def createInviteCode( useCount, user_did=None)
  • def createInviteCodes( useCount, codeCount=1, user_did=None)
  • def deleteAccount( token, password, handle=None, user_did=None)
  • def describeServer()
  • def deleteSession()
  • def listAppPassword()
  • def getAccountInviteCodes( limit=10, includeUsed=True, create_available=True)
  • def getSession()
  • def requestAccountDelete()
  • def requestPasswordReset( email)
  • def resetPassword( email, password)
  • def refreshSession()
  • def revokeAppPassword( app_name)


  • def getBlob( repo_did, blob_cid)
  • def getBlocks( did, cids)
  • def getCheckout( did, commit=None)
  • def getCommitPath( did, latest=None, earliest=None)
  • def getHead( did)
  • def getSyncRecord( did, collection, record_key, commit=None)
  • def getRepo( did, earliest=None, latest=None)
  • def listBlobs( did, latest, earliest)
  • def notifyOfUpdate( hostname)
  • def requestCrawl( hostname)
  • def subscribeRepos( cursor)


  • def getProfile( user_did)
  • def getProfiles( user_dids)
  • def getSuggestions( limit=10, cursor="")
  • def searchActors( query, limit=10, cursor="")
  • def searchActorsTypeahead( query, limit=10, cursor="")


  • def getAuthorFeed( handle=None, user_did=None, limit=10, cursor="")
  • def getLikes( post_id, limit=10, cursor="")
  • def getPostThread( post_id, limit=10, cursor="", depth=None)
  • def getRepostedBy( post_id, limit=10, cursor="", post_cid=None)
  • def getTimeline( limit=10, cursor="", algorithm="reverse-chronological")
  • def like( subject_uri, subject_cid, createdAt=None)
  • def unlike( repo, record_key)
  • def repost( subject_uri, subject_cid, createdAt=None)
  • def undo_repost( repo, record_key)


  • def follow( handle=None, user_did=None)
  • def getFollowers( handle=None, user_did=None, limit=10, cursor="")
  • def getFollows( handle=None, user_did=None, limit=10, cursor="")
  • def getMutes( limit=10, cursor="")
  • def muteActor( handle=None, user_did=None)
  • def unmuteActor( handle=None, user_did=None)


  • def getUnreadCount()
  • def listNotifications( limit=10, cursor="")
  • def updateSeen( limit=10, cursor="", seenAt=None)


  • def getPopular( limit=10, cursor="")


  • def facet( text)

Search sarch.bsky.social

  • def search( query_type="posts", query="")
  • def search_profiles( query)
  • def search_posts( query)


  • def health()
  • def createLinkFromAtUri( at_uri)
  • def quote( text, repo, record_uri, record_cid, createdAt=None)
  • def delete_post( repo, record_key)
  • def comment( text, repo, reply_root_uri, reply_root_cid, reply_parent_uri, reply_parent_cid, createdAt=None)


python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running tests

python -m unittest

Publishing to PyPI

# Build for PyPI
python -m build

# Test PyPI
python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --no-deps gokyuzu

# PyPI
python -m twine upload dist/*
pip install gokyuzu