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password-analyser copied to clipboard

Check to see if a password is safe using many different methods, including HavIBeenPwned and comparing it to a list of over 100000+ common passwords.

Password Analyser

Check to see if a password is safe using many different methods, including HavIBeenPwned and comparing it to a list of over 100000+ common passwords. No sensitive information is shared at all. Only the first five characters of the SHA-1 hash is uploaded to HaveIBeenPwned, all others processes are competed locally on the computer.


pip install requests termcolor colorama hashlib argparse


If you haven't already, install git here.

Then, clone the repository to your local machine with: git clone


Change directories into the cloned repository. cd password-analyser

To run: python3 PASSSWORD
Replace PASSWORD with your desired password
Or, to read a password from a file:
python3 -f FILE