Tails copied to clipboard
A small mod that adds in a variety of tails
A small mod that adds in a variety of tails
Build and setup
The standard build task will generate a shaded and non shaded version, with the non shaded having the nonshaded
Before it can be built however, a workspace must be setup.
To setup a workspace for general develop run gradle setupDecompWorkspace
This will automatically download all required dependencies
To setup a workspace for CI building, run gradle setupCIWorkspace
The standard build can be run by running gradle build
which will output a shaded and nonshaded jar including sources.
To only generate a nonshaded
jar, run gradle reobfJar
To generate only a sources
jar, run gradle sourcejar
To generate only a shaded
jar, run gradle reobfShadowJar
A maven repository is available at http://maven.foxes.rocks/
To include this as a dependency in your project, add the following replacing <version>
with the version you want.
repositories {
maven {
name = 'Kihira Maven'
url = 'http://maven.foxes.rocks'
dependencies {
deobfCompile "uk.kihira.tails:Tails:<version>:nonshaded"
Submitted PR's
I use a git flow system so master is used for releases, develop for development etc. You can read more about it here or a quick cheatsheet here
Basically if you want to submit a language patch, submit it against the develop branch. Read here on how to change branches when submitting a PR