Kieran O'Leary
Kieran O'Leary
Also the xxd call in here as a means of analysing binary outputs and determining any potential padding..
Sorry for the flood,I think all of mine would be in more of a "misc" site,rather than any of those tools being standalone. I think having those kinds of commands...
Aye +1 youtube-dl On 8 Mar 2018 6:56 pm, "Andrew Weaver" wrote: > I support all of this! Especially the ❤️ , @EG-tech > 's proposed names, and another +1...
+1 empires never ended On 8 Mar 2018 9:30 pm, "Katherine Frances Nagels" wrote: > Don't forget what we learned from Philip K Dick .... > > *THE EMPIRE NEVER...
Very cool,didn't know ffmpeg did this.
I just realised that even though I used aspect ratio in the title of this issue, I was referring to the field order script. Thanks for clarifying the aspect ratio...
Out of curiosity, is `-vf setsar` the only way to change the aspect ratio at a codec level with ffmpeg? Is it a similar case with `-vf setfield`? As stream...
I agree with the confusion,there's too much going on here. I think new issues could be raised for more specific parts of this question.
Aye, I was thinking of going from 96/24 to 48/16, I think I had some weird case where I needed to do that. It's so long ago that I forgot...
Woah cool!I won't pretend to fully understand those graphs , but I have a rough idea of what you're saying. Thanks Andrew! On 15 Nov 2017 23:45, "Andrew Weaver" wrote:...