> 等我有时间再测一下该问题,最近 tvOS 刷的比较少 可以等 TvOS 17 出了再看看(现在 ATV 可以当软路由了,可以折腾下,哈哈)
`scoop install gow`
want this since debian < 13 cannot find via apt. so if the script could be more simpler if the asset name without a version. currently using this script: ```bash...
> Just create a file named in the following directory: > > `/home//.gradle/` (Linux) > `/Users//.gradle/` (Mac) > `C:\Users\\.gradle` (Windows) > Add this line to the file: > `org.gradle.daemon=true`...
~~为什么我用 .sync ,在子组件修改 props 的值,Vue.js devtools里还是报错呢?~~ UPDATE: 我弄错了, `.sync` 要写在子组件里
this might be helpful.
I got the same idea too! Allow user to provide API key to call ChatGPT/Gemini/Claude. I'd like to help if any plan settled.
> Better share the article to relevant app e.g. Thanks for sharing. I took a look at it, but it seems when sharing an article from ReadYou to SummarizeYou,...