dropwizard-influxdb-reporter copied to clipboard
config.yml parse failed |
I am trying to integrate a dropwizard service metrics with influxdb using your metrics reporter.But i getting the below exception while running the code present at
`` IND00090:dropwizard-metrics-example tosheer.kalra$ java -jar target/metrics-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml
config.yml has an error:
- Failed to parse configuration at: metrics.reporters; Argument #0 of constructor [constructor for com.kickstarter.dropwizard.metrics.influxdb.transformer.TaggedPattern, annotations: {interface com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator=@com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator(mode=DEFAULT)}] has no property name annotation; must have name when multiple-parameter constructor annotated as Creator at [Source: N/A; line: -1, column: -1] (through reference chain: com.example.application.ExampleConfiguration["metrics"]->io.dropwizard.metrics.MetricsFactory["reporters"]) ``
Can you please give me some pointer regarding what i am doing wrong.
hey @tosheer! could you add this compiler arg to your pom.xml
and rebuild/re-run?
<!-- force compilation with method parameter names -->
Ideally this wouldn't be needed to use the library, but just looking to get a sense of the root issue that needs to be fixed. Thanks!
@kyeah i rebuild/re-run after updating the POM. But i can still see the same message without any other details. Github repo https://github.com/tosheer/analysis is already updated for the same.
Also just to clarify i am getting above mentioned exception when i am running "java -jar target/metrics-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml" the jar which i build by running "mvn clean install"
ah yes! We utilize jackson-module-parameter-names to avoid having to jackson-annotate all of our creator parameters. This is included in the library, but requires your application to enable the feature on startup.
in your ExampleApplication:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator.Mode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.paramnames.ParameterNamesModule;
public void initialize(final Bootstrap<Config> bootstrap) {
bootstrap.getObjectMapper().registerModule(new ParameterNamesModule(Mode.PROPERTIES));
Having annotations on our creator methods seems like a small price to pay to avoid this bit of setup.
Let me know if the change above works for you!
@kyeah thanks, above mentioned problem is solved by your solution. But now i am facing issue as it is always picking up the InfluxDbHttpWriter which needs a database property where as i have specified the type as "tcp" in the config. Github repo https://github.com/tosheer/analysis is already updated for the same. Let me know if you want me to raise a new issue for this. I will close this issue.
how can I use to spring boot ?