Sometimes attaching the image works if you wait long enough, but the image is converted to .jpg
Could not recreate as of client v3.96.3 Tested Gnome Keyring (Seahorse) and KeepassXC OS: Manjaro Gnome Edition **Steps** - login using the desktop client and store credentials - open Keyring...
@Kaoticz If it worked before, then it should work fine now but you would need to delete local data for Tuta `~/.config/tutanota-desktop`. Deleting credentials only might not be sufficient, but...
closing this issue as irrelevant
Login on Android is randomly stuck at "offline" for about 5s. Regardless of whether theme is set to "System".
Report from a user: > On my mobile phone I had a notification which every two weeks (on Tuesday) was displaying a reminder. This notification was created in a dedicated...
This does not look like a secret storage issue. Please contact us at Support with your Tuta address so we could check your account.
Depending on the formatting of the email, it could also be displayed with a white background but with grey font.
@charlag I think this issue could be closed. It looks like partial matching has changed as well, since the original example does not give any search results.