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Helm Charts used to install Kiali resources.

= Kiali Helm Charts

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Kiali Helm Charts are published at link:https://kiali.org/helm-charts/index.yaml[https://kiali.org/helm-charts].

For Kiali installation documentation, please see:

  • link:https://kiali.io/docs/installation/quick-start/#install-via-helm[Kiali Quick Start Guide]
  • link:https://kiali.io/docs/installation/installation-guide/install-with-helm/[Kiali Installation Guide]

== Chart Source

Kiali Operator helm chart source is found in the link:./kiali-operator[kiali-operator folder]. Kiali Server helm chart source is found in the link:./kiali-server[kiali-server folder].

== Developer Notes

=== Building

To build the helm charts, simply run make clean build-helm-charts which will generate the operator and server helm charts and stores their tarballs in the _output/charts directory.

=== Using the local Helm chart builds

==== Server

To generate the server templates, run:

helm template -n istio-system --set auth.strategy=anonymous --set deployment.image_version=latest kiali-server _output/charts/kiali-server-*-SNAPSHOT.tgz

To install the server, run:

helm install -n istio-system --set auth.strategy=anonymous --set deployment.image_version=latest kiali-server _output/charts/kiali-server-*-SNAPSHOT.tgz

To uninstall the server, run:

helm uninstall -n istio-system kiali-server

==== Operator

To generate the operator templates, run:

helm template -n kiali-operator --set allowAdHocKialiImage=true --set image.tag=latest --create-namespace kiali-operator _output/charts/kiali-operator-*-SNAPSHOT.tgz

To install the operator, run:

helm install -n kiali-operator --set allowAdHocKialiImage=true --set image.tag=latest --create-namespace kiali-operator _output/charts/kiali-operator-*-SNAPSHOT.tgz

To uninstall the operator, run:

helm uninstall -n kiali-operator kiali-operator

==== Overriding values

You can pass --set options to the above commands if you wish to override the default values. You can set nested dictionary values using dot notation: --set deployment.logger.log_level=debug. For a list of items, comma-separate the values and wrap the list in curly braces: --set "deployment.accessible_namespaces={bookinfo,demo2}". You can set individual list items using square brackets: --set deployment.accessible_namespaces[0]=bookinfo.

If you locally built and pushed your Kiali server and Kiali operator images to your cluster, you can have the helm chart installations pull those images by the following settings:

|=== |Helm Chart|Cluster Type|Settings

|Server|Minikube| --set deployment.image_name=localhost:5000/kiali/kiali + --set deployment.image_version=dev |Server|OpenShift| --set deployment.image_name=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/kiali/kiali + --set deployment.image_version=dev |Operator|Minikube| --set image.repo=localhost:5000/kiali/kiali-operator + --set image.tag=dev + --set cr.spec.deployment.image_name=localhost:5000/kiali/kiali + --set cr.spec.deployment.image_version=dev |Operator|OpenShift| --set image.repo=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/kiali/kiali-operator + --set image.tag=dev + --set cr.spec.deployment.image_name=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/kiali/kiali + --set cr.spec.deployment.image_version=dev |===