helm-charts copied to clipboard
Helm Charts used to install Kiali resources.
= Kiali Helm Charts
image:https://travis-ci.org/kiali/helm-charts.svg["Build Status", link="https://travis-ci.org/kiali/helm-charts"] image:https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache2-blue.svg["Apache 2.0 license", link="LICENSE"]
Kiali Helm Charts are published at link:https://kiali.org/helm-charts/index.yaml[https://kiali.org/helm-charts].
For Kiali installation documentation, please see:
- link:https://kiali.io/docs/installation/quick-start/#install-via-helm[Kiali Quick Start Guide]
- link:https://kiali.io/docs/installation/installation-guide/install-with-helm/[Kiali Installation Guide]
== Chart Source
Kiali Operator helm chart source is found in the link:./kiali-operator[kiali-operator folder]. Kiali Server helm chart source is found in the link:./kiali-server[kiali-server folder].
== Developer Notes
=== Building
To build the helm charts, simply run make clean build-helm-charts
which will generate the operator and server helm charts and stores their tarballs in the _output/charts
=== Using the local Helm chart builds
==== Server
To generate the server templates, run:
helm template -n istio-system --set auth.strategy=anonymous --set deployment.image_version=latest kiali-server _output/charts/kiali-server-*-SNAPSHOT.tgz
To install the server, run:
helm install -n istio-system --set auth.strategy=anonymous --set deployment.image_version=latest kiali-server _output/charts/kiali-server-*-SNAPSHOT.tgz
To uninstall the server, run:
helm uninstall -n istio-system kiali-server
==== Operator
To generate the operator templates, run:
helm template -n kiali-operator --set allowAdHocKialiImage=true --set image.tag=latest --create-namespace kiali-operator _output/charts/kiali-operator-*-SNAPSHOT.tgz
To install the operator, run:
helm install -n kiali-operator --set allowAdHocKialiImage=true --set image.tag=latest --create-namespace kiali-operator _output/charts/kiali-operator-*-SNAPSHOT.tgz
To uninstall the operator, run:
helm uninstall -n kiali-operator kiali-operator
==== Overriding values
You can pass --set
options to the above commands if you wish to override the default values. You can set nested dictionary values using dot notation: --set deployment.logger.log_level=debug
. For a list of items, comma-separate the values and wrap the list in curly braces: --set "deployment.accessible_namespaces={bookinfo,demo2}"
. You can set individual list items using square brackets: --set deployment.accessible_namespaces[0]=bookinfo
If you locally built and pushed your Kiali server and Kiali operator images to your cluster, you can have the helm chart installations pull those images by the following settings:
|=== |Helm Chart|Cluster Type|Settings
--set deployment.image_name=localhost:5000/kiali/kiali
--set deployment.image_version=dev
--set deployment.image_name=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/kiali/kiali
--set deployment.image_version=dev
--set image.repo=localhost:5000/kiali/kiali-operator
--set image.tag=dev
--set cr.spec.deployment.image_name=localhost:5000/kiali/kiali
--set cr.spec.deployment.image_version=dev
--set image.repo=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/kiali/kiali-operator
--set image.tag=dev
--set cr.spec.deployment.image_name=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/kiali/kiali
--set cr.spec.deployment.image_version=dev