Vincent Kraus
Vincent Kraus
Hi @abbaty48, you need to set the property of your component before injecting it into the modal.
> I've the correct error on my stackblitz `Cannot find modal with identifier customers` So far I think it's normal. The modal DOM is no longer available because it is...
It's been a while since I've worked on the module, but I'm still convinced that it's a DOM instance problem. Indeed, the NgxSmartModalService will not be able to invoke a...
Hi @kstamatov85, did you activate polyfills in your project ?
Nice job! Congrats :partying_face:
Hi @kirtikachouhan, did you notice any errors when using the library on an Angular v9?
Hi @Gobi35 , did you import the `TabsModule.forRoot()` in your app ?
Which solution worked @LastDragon-ru ? I've a similar case with local plugins but quotes annotations doesn't affect modules load. ***./release/.release-it.json*** ```json { "plugins": { "./release/calver-plugin.js": { "format": "yyyy.0M.0D", "increment": "calendar",...
Yes, I didn't quote the command in the package.json but I was able to test with your first answer and nothing helped. More precisely, I see in the debug that...
No, unfortunately I can't. ESM does not allow you to import the module without the extension