Koen Hufkens

Results 28 issues of Koen Hufkens

Needed to avoid issues during download in unit tests

- check if the BT implementation still works - document use case

NASA NEX was removed in favour of coarser resolution CDS based CMIP6 scenario data (not downscaled). The new CMIP6 data is now online again: https://www.nccs.nasa.gov/services/data-collections/land-based-products/nex-gddp-cmip6 Consider reviving the old routine.

Failed build running into: ``` ImportError: cannot import name 'escape' from 'jinja2' ``` Per SO post due to depreciation of the escape function in more recent versions of `jinja2` https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71718167/importerror-cannot-import-name-escape-from-jinja2...

Consider support for batch queries, will work easily for v2.0 not so for 1.2.


Comparing [BiomeE-Allocation](https://github.com/stineb/BiomeE-Allocation/blob/5b061f54cb605206ae41c3d91d9d08a3575d2471/model/src/vegetation.F90#L939), from where we've copied the code, shows that the mortality formulation was changed quite a bit. In particular, the factor deltat/seconds_per_year has been removed? @lauramarques

## prepare for release: - [x] Check CRAN issues ([ISSUES](https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_rsofun.html)) - [x] Update DESCRIPTION - version increment! - [x] Update / check NEWS.md - [x] Update cran-comments.md for release -...

Adding demo dataset for BiomeE - based on PROFOUND
