Thanks for the example @jmeistrich . How would you use `layoutId` with this? The item jumps all over the place.
No worries thanks for replying!
@m0hdasif tsconfig.json: ``` "rootDir": "src", "baseUrl": ".", "paths": { "@utils/*": ["src/utils/*"] } ``` package.json: ``` "_moduleAliases": { "@utils": "src/utils" }, ``` You'll want to prefix the `link-module-alias` before all your...
Something like: `docker-compose.yml` ``` # Local Stack localstack: image: localstack/localstack:latest environment: - LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE=docker-reuse - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=test - AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2 - DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock - SERVICES=lambda,cloudwatch,sqs,iam,events ports: - '4566-4583:4566-4583' ``` `terraform/modules/localstack/` ``` provider...
Have you looked at your CloudFront distribution records? There may be an existing record to an existing zone.
Version 13 removed the deprecated target: `serverless` (See notes: Nextjs likes to break things on every major release, so it's extremely hard for frameworks like this to keep up....
Felix now works at Vercel (darn Vercel for poaching everyone... serverless-nextjs and now our beloved Felix). If anyone is interested in another serverless framework, I'd recommend One of...
@R-Bower Nextjs channel
@stamatim Hey, `target: serverless` has been removed in NextJS 13+. The target properly is set under the hood of this library to generate the build. I'd recommend moving away from...
@datagutt please see the discussion: I believe you'll need to set the `statusCode: 302` in the `redirect` object.