Khotyn Huang
Khotyn Huang
Use opentracing API instead of Traer API when integrate with some component according to @wuyupengwoaini 's advise. See #125
Update SOFABoot 3.10.0 to catchup the latest version of SOFABoot.
Netty has provide io_uring experimental support, we can also provide io_uring experimental support in SOFARPC More information: *
When ark is not enable in SOFABoot, sofa-dashboard-client still register ark related beans, which will cause some exception when SOFABoot starts.
When run with mysql with sql_mode=only_full_group_by there will be an error as following: Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated...