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plotting results
II have a really specific question regarding the plotting of my results from PLSR. My PLSR formula is Age ~ 400BrainRegions. I would like to have an image that shows the importance of brain regions for age prediction, but also includes the direction of effect. For clarification, I included an example image below in which I projected the x loadings of the first LV onto the brain. Plotting the x-scores of LV1 across age, we have a negative correlation (= decreasing scores with increasing age).
So, my question: does the color of the region already tell the direction of effect? So in my example image this would mean: while primary processing networks decrease across age (red, positive loading), higher order networks increase (blue, negative loading). Or do I somehow additionally need to account for the loading weights to picture both, the importance of regions as well as the direction of effect?
Thanks for your help! Johanna

As far as I know, there isn't much theory about whether the loadings or the loading weights are better at showing the direction of an effect in PLSR. PLSR has more a focus on predictions and visible explorations of the relationships than on theoretical connections and statistical tests.