boogeyman icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
boogeyman copied to clipboard

An extra search package


A simple program that help you get search results from multi search engines instead of just from google. Try it here.

What can it does


This program searches through multi search engines and returns search results under some of strategies:


Return top result of each search engines.

Cross Matching

Return matched results cross through multi search engines. (Appeared in 2 or more search engines)

All (with limit 20)

Return all :)

On ver 1.2.6, search engines list:

  1. Ask
  2. Bing
  3. Google
  4. Yahoo

This list will be updated by far ~

The design

The program's architecture implemented under the clean architecture design. More info go here.

boogeymain design


In case exec file you downloaded's name is boogeyman.

Sample full params command

$ ./boogeyman -e=bing -s=top -k="some anything"

Type -h to get help. Return value be like

Usage of ./boogeyman:
  -e string
        search engine(s): google | bing | ask | yahoo | all (default "all")
  -k string
        search (query) string (default "bar")
  -s string
        result show strategy: top | cross | all (default "top")
  -v    show application version
        show application version

Run on local

Boogeyman development environment requires:

  1. Golang (1.9.2 or higher). Install go here.
  2. dep (Go dependency management tool). Install go here.
  3. go-bindata (Go generate bindata from template file). Install go here.

Run by go

$ go run main.go

or check Makefile for building bin on your local.


All contributions are welcomed in this project.


For linux x64 : download

For MacOS x64 : download


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.