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We constantly learn new things. This is a repo to share my learnings everyday.

Today I Learned

We constantly learn new things. This is a repo to share those learnings. TILs are short Markdown documents (a few sentences + example code) explaining concepts, bits of syntax, commands, or tips we've recently learned.

Today-I-Learned (TIL) is inspired by Thoughbot, TIL is a repository for everyone to share what we have learn today.

This repo has a tool that help you to manage and write down what you learned in scientific way.

What I learned

Table of Contents :point_down:
:new: Top 5 recent learning
Script tags in remote HTML request won't run when using innerHTML [javascript] 2024-05-06
Cronjob monitoring web endpoint and alert to Telegram [devops] 2024-04-12
XCode automatic format code on build time [swift] 2024-02-28
Generate routing stubs for IDEs [laravel] 2024-02-24
Smallest inline dummy image in HTML [web] 2024-01-15
:books: ansible [ 1 articles ]
1. Run shell command in all hosts 2019-02-18
:books: apps-script [ 1 articles ]
2. Getting database from data range to array of enum objects 2023-09-03
:books: bash [ 4 articles ]
3. Simple HTTP server function helper 2017-10-05
4. Internal Variables in BASH 2018-08-06
5. Curl extract info from verbose mode 2018-08-07
6. Telnet server through SSL or TLS 2018-11-13
:books: chrome-dev [ 1 articles ]
7. Debugging Chrome extension 2015-11-30
:books: crypto [ 1 articles ]
8. Encrypt and decrypt file using openssl command line 2018-05-17
:books: css [ 2 articles ]
9. [Bug] Input lost focus after typing 1 character in Safari Browser 2018-11-01
10. CSS Selector element has an attribute which contains some string 2023-08-21
:books: database [ 4 articles ]
11. Basics about sqlite command line tool 2017-04-25
12. Indexes on multiple columns 2017-10-13
13. Use temporarily data from another database in SQLite 2018-05-02
14. SQL Wildcard Characters 2018-07-26
:books: devops [ 6 articles ]
15. Checking forced push conflicts on source code in auto testing 2017-05-19
16. Free sandbox server for development 2017-08-04
17. Using netcat to wait a TCP service 2017-10-13
18. Ansible running host pattern 2018-01-22
19. Improve apt package manager speed by changing source list mirrors 2019-04-03
20. Cronjob monitoring web endpoint and alert to Telegram 2024-04-12
:books: docker [ 9 articles ]
21. Changing channel from alpha to stable will remove ALL DATA 2017-05-24
22. Reducing docker image the right way 2017-05-24
23. Reduce init time MySQL docker image 2017-11-22
24. Build lightweight image by using multistage 2018-02-23
25. SSH to docker host in Docker for Mac 2018-12-03
26. Can not run downloaded binary inside alpine linux because of missing shared libs 2019-02-02
27. Run container processes as non-root user 2019-03-30
28. Using extra hosts to add custom ip of hostnames to Docker container 2022-03-16
29. Becareful on using port mapping of Docker in Development 2022-03-17
:books: elasticsearch [ 1 articles ]
30. Basics of Elasticsearch 2018-01-25
:books: git [ 5 articles ]
31. Resolving conflict like a boss 2017-06-13
32. using git hooks to improve working flow 2017-11-22
33. Fastly conflict detector script 2017-11-27
34. Put .git data outside project directory 2018-05-29
35. Running git command using another ssh key 2018-06-26
:books: google-sheet [ 1 articles ]
36. Insert fastly current date time to cell in Google Spreadsheets 2021-03-09
:books: hostingpanel [ 1 articles ]
37. DirectAdmin change document root to public directory 2022-03-09
:books: http [ 4 articles ]
38. ab failed responses 2017-04-21
39. Create cross-platform downloading app URL 2018-01-03
40. Reuse cookies between multi requests in Curl tool 2018-05-22
41. HTTP Status Codes : 301+302 vs 307+308 2023-08-20
:books: ios [ 2 articles ]
42. Flush DNS cache on iOS device 2018-03-14
43. Install CA root certificate on iOS device 2018-03-14
:books: java [ 1 articles ]
44. Runing old java applets on brower 2017-08-06
:books: javascript [ 12 articles ]
45. Eval function and with block 2017-08-10
46. Scope and Closure 2017-08-10
47. Debug js code using console.trace 2018-01-07
48. Define property of an object in hacking way 2018-01-07
49. Tracking changes of cookie on webpage 2018-01-10
50. Trigger event after setting val in jQuery 2018-01-14
51. Detect HTTP Response 304 Status Code in AJAX 2018-10-25
52. View all parameters passed to callback function without reading docs 2018-10-30
53. View function source in developer tool console 2018-11-21
54. Critical notice of string DOM manipulation using jQuery 2019-01-10
55. JSON Parse is faster than Javascript Object declaration 2019-11-23
56. Script tags in remote HTML request won't run when using innerHTML 2024-05-06
:books: js [ 4 articles ]
57. Array group by function in JS 2023-08-25
58. ES6 Module import in client browsers 2023-08-29
59. JS DOM event deepdive using SvelteJS demo 2023-09-01
60. Be careful when using built-in btoa from window to decode base64 2023-11-29
:books: laravel [ 2 articles ]
61. Split a Collection items into 2 groups using 1 boolean function 2023-11-25
62. Generate routing stubs for IDEs 2024-02-24
:books: linux [ 5 articles ]
63. Remap Capslock to Control key 2017-08-08
64. Send ENTER key to kernel 2017-09-27
65. Using watch command to tracking changes in period time 2017-10-20
66. Disable IPv6 to stop getting stuck in network 2018-01-16
67. Make cron job runs every seconds 2018-11-15
:books: mac-osx [ 2 articles ]
68. Shortcut keyboard improve productivity 2015-11-30
69. Warning on MacOS upgrade major system 2023-10-13
:books: mysql [ 8 articles ]
70. Index is useless when use function on indexed field 2015-12-01
71. String problems can cause logical bugs in application 2017-02-17
72. UNION vs UNION ALL 2017-02-23
73. Mysql dumping only table structure 2017-05-17
74. Mycli : a new good cli MySql Client 2017-09-01
75. Sleeping connections in MySQL 2018-01-04
76. The safest way to reset root password of MySQL Server 2018-08-25
77. Export MySQL data by specified query to CSV file 2019-03-12
:books: nature [ 1 articles ]
78. Tại sao biển xanh lại mặn ? :lol: 2018-01-14
:books: networking [ 6 articles ]
79. TCP FIN timeout 2017-09-07
80. How SMTP works 2017-10-04
81. Set up simple rate limiting on specified port using UFW 2018-01-16
82. List opening ports or listening UNIX sockets 2018-02-21
83. Setup wildcard domains .test for development in MacOS 2018-04-24
84. Use NGINX as a TCP,UDP load balancer 2019-04-03
:books: php [ 13 articles ]
85. Eloquent Many-to-Many Relationship 2015-12-02
86. Run built-in server via Docker 2015-12-04
87. F-cking stupid limit of input vars 2016-03-08
88. Using VarDumper in PHPUnit 2017-02-23
89. Persistent connection to MySQL 2017-02-28
90. realpath function 2017-08-06
91. try, catch and finally in PHP 2018-05-04
92. Never autostart XDebug in cli environment 2018-05-07
93. Getting back Whoops error pages in Laravel 9 2022-03-13
94. Minimize Google PHP SDK before deploying on production 2022-03-14
95. Laravel run scheduled command within parent environment 2022-03-15
96. Cache storage utils using redis server 2023-10-08
97. Transform array to object shorthand 2023-12-08
:books: programming [ 1 articles ]
98. Get random number from computer 2018-05-14
:books: python [ 7 articles ]
99. String Format Unicode params 2015-12-01
100. Reference assign object variable 2015-12-04
101. HTTP2 supported for python requests library 2017-08-04
102. Exporting environment variables on virtual env activate 2018-04-30
103. Do not use mutable objects as default parameters 2018-07-24
104. Context Managers in Python 2018-07-24
105. Setter and getter behavior of class property in Python3 2018-07-30
:books: quote [ 1 articles ]
106. Random quote 23 Feb 2017 2017-02-23
:books: redis [ 1 articles ]
107. Transaction style in Redis 2018-01-31
:books: svelte [ 2 articles ]
108. SvelteJS : Reactivity via variable assignment 2023-08-28
109. Reactive statement explicit dependencies like React useEffect 2023-11-12
:books: swift [ 1 articles ]
110. XCode automatic format code on build time 2024-02-28
:books: sysadmin [ 34 articles ]
111. FTP via curl tool 2015-12-03
112. View real-time logs using websocketd 2015-12-04
113. Commands 2015-12-30
114. Bash shell shortcuts 2016-03-26
115. Stats your top-10 frequently commands 2016-03-26
116. Compressing and Extracting files with rar in Linux 2017-05-17
117. Grant user to use sudo without password 2017-05-18
118. wget Output flag 2017-05-19
119. Using BSD find util to find and exec command on file and folder 2017-05-22
120. zcat : decompressing pipe tool 2017-05-22
121. Gearman bash worker and client 2017-06-15
122. Cleaning up old linux kernels 2017-08-06
123. Create SSH tunnel manually 2017-09-01
124. Enable reverse proxy in CentOS 2017-09-01
125. Ansible playbook : skip to task 2017-09-05
126. Grep : find a string in folder 2017-09-05
127. Lock and unlock a user password 2017-09-07
128. Generate dhparam file faster 2017-09-07
129. Blocking specified country to prevent from DDOS 2017-09-25
130. BASH exiting on first error 2017-09-26
131. BASH return a value in function 2017-09-26
132. BASH tracing commands 2017-09-27
133. TIME command output meaning 2017-10-04
134. Using netcat as tiny TCP debug tool 2017-10-07
135. Getting your external IP 2017-11-24
136. Use journalctl to check system logs 2018-01-22
137. Prevent source hacking from .git directory exposing 2018-03-01
138. Cut file content from line to line 2018-03-25
139. Prepend line number to file 2018-03-25
140. Create a sequence of numbers 2018-03-25
141. Send a file through networking via netcat 2018-04-10
142. Create tiny chat channel via netcat 2018-04-10
143. View DNS history of a domain 2018-05-08
144. Curl override Name Resolution with specific IP address 2018-08-18
:books: tools [ 2 articles ]
145. Base 64 encode and decode builtin tool 2017-04-21
146. Zip compressing list of files 2017-09-25
:books: varnish [ 1 articles ]
147. Check vcl file syntax before restarting 2018-01-31
:books: vim [ 2 articles ]
148. Using mark to bookmark checkpoints in files 2018-01-30
149. Convert tabs to spaces 2018-02-21
:books: web [ 8 articles ]
150. Cloudflare Error 522 Connection Time out 2017-05-18
151. Ping Google to crawl updated content 2017-08-08
152. Using web proxy to bypass firewalls 2017-12-07
153. HSTS rule in browser 2018-01-03
154. Bypass CORS by using JSONP callback 2018-01-08
155. Sending Cookie in AJAX CORs request 2018-03-01
156. Can not get real IP address from Load Balancer SSL Passthrough 2019-03-14
157. Smallest inline dummy image in HTML 2024-01-15


  • Step 1: Fork this repo (blank-repo with only tool and readme file).
  • Step 2: Start writting down what you learned in everyday.
    • Create a topic by:

      • Ex:
      ./til bash "Bash Conditional Expression" vim
      • If you tired of typing the quote mark:
      ./til bash Bash-Conditional-Expression
      ./til bash Bash=Conditional=Expression

      DO NOT mix the - and = together!

    • It will create 1 file whose name which is the SUBJECT in lower case: bash/

    • Write it! Save it!

  • Step 3: Commit what you learned today by ./til commit. After that, if you want to push it to repository, just Enter


© 2018 khanhicetea. Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.