PluginWebView copied to clipboard
Pretty Nice -> But in my case not working as expected - getMeasure fails
First of all: This is a great plugin, thank you for that
I've currently have some issues on every plugin that use "getMeasure" -> It just throw "Cant find measure" in Rainmeter and also fails in the javascript (because of the same error)
Another question: Is there any option to move (drag) a widget on desktop (something like middle mouse button and drag or something - Because of the way how it's implemented it makes sense that the left mouse button dont works to drag)
Thank you very much :-)
Have to agree, getmeasure just always returns null every time.
Another question: Is there any option to move (drag) a widget on desktop (something like middle mouse button and drag or something - Because of the way how it's implemented it makes sense that the left mouse button dont works to drag)
If one wants to drag or have the Rainmeter context menu in a skin having a WebView plugin measure when the CTRL key is pressed (as it's customary for Rainmeter), this should be added to the <body>
element from the HTML (you can remove , {passive: false}
from these if the browser doesn't support it):
document.body.addEventListener('pointerdown', function(e) {if (e.button == 0 && e.ctrlKey) {e.preventDefault(); rm = true; clientX = e.clientX; clientY = e.clientY; try {controls.enabled = false;} catch {document.body.setPointerCapture(e.pointerId);};};}, {passive: false});
document.body.addEventListener('pointermove', function(e) {if (typeof rm !== "undefined" && rm) {e.preventDefault(); RainmeterAPI.Bang("[!Move " + (e.screenX - clientX) + " " + (e.screenY - clientY) + "]");};}, {passive: false});
document.body.addEventListener('pointerup', function(e) {if (e.button == 0) {e.preventDefault(); rm = false; try {controls.enabled = true;} catch {document.body.releasePointerCapture(e.pointerId);};};}, {passive: false});
document.body.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {if (e.button == 2 && e.ctrlKey) {e.preventDefault(); RainmeterAPI.Bang("[!SkinMenu]");};}, {passive: false});
Basically, you'd have to add the appropriate event listeners in the Javascript from your HTML.
It should work even if one drags the mouse outside the page, via setPointerCapture()
, while also temporarily disabling a Three.js control like OrbitControls represented by the global variable called controls
(TrackballControlls seems to "remember" the mouse move and keep doing it afterwards, due to some code differences compared to OrbitControls that I still need to investigate). This will work even if one doesn't have any controls in his page and the controls
variable doesn't exist, via the try {} catch {}
system. All the other variables are created globally and on the fly, no declaration required.
If by any chance the WebView page doesn't extend over all the skin area, simply subtract whatever left and top "margins" there are between the top-left corner of the skin and the top-left corner of the page / measure relative to the skin in the !Move
bang formulas (e.g. if the WebView measure is positioned at X=8
and Y=8
in the skin, subtract 8 in both X and Y formulas) - I guess this can be done automatically via the RainmeterAPI as well, assuming the name of the measure is known.
Similarly, you can add a 'wheel'
event listener if you have the proper code in your skin and webpage, and you want to scale your skin along with the webpage. In my case, it looks like this (it isn't very fast for me, but maybe it can be improved):
document.body.addEventListener('wheel', function(e) {if (e.ctrlKey) {e.preventDefault(); try {controls.enabled = false;} catch {}; RainmeterAPI.Bang("[!SetVariable Span (Clamp(" + RainmeterAPI.GetVariable("Span") + "+" + Math.sign(- e.deltaY) + "*" + RainmeterAPI.GetVariable("SpanRate") + "," + RainmeterAPI.GetVariable("SpanRate") + ",10))][!Update]");};}, {passive: false});
and SpanRate
are how I named the "scale" and "scale step" variables in my skin. Obviously, you'd have to set the relevant WebView measure(s) and meters' coordinates and dimensions to be multiple of whatever "scale" variable you use. The , {passive: false}
part is required here, since the Chromium based browsers now set the passive
property to true
by default in order to increase the speed of touch based systems, which has the unwanted effect of ignoring the needed .preventDefault()
method above.
I've currently have some issues on every plugin that use "getMeasure" -> It just throw "Cant find measure" in Rainmeter and also fails in the javascript (because of the same error)
Have to agree, getmeasure just always returns null every time.
Yep, it happens for me too - it looks like a bug. In the meantime, you might want to export the value of the measure to a variable in the measure's OnUpdateAction
, and then use GetVariable('SomeVariable')
in Javascript to get the desired value, as a (hopefully, temporary) workaround.
Any update on a fix for getMeasure