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Swagger Commander
Inspired by Swagger UI, Swagger Commander is a plug & play command-line (terminal, CLI, console, etc) tool to visualize and consume Swagger API's. Simply point the tool to a Swagger specification (file) URL and you can immediately view and consume your API endpoints. Under the covers, swagger-commander uses swagger-client.
Install globally as root:
# npm install -g swagger-commander
May need sudo on some systems:
$ sudo npm install -g swagger-commander
Point swagger-commander to a Swagger spec (file) URL:
$ swagger-commander set-swagger-url <url>
example: swagger-commander set-swagger-url http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json
- For a list of other Swagger specs for API's including Gmail, Instagram, & more, visit https://apis.guru/browse-apis/
Show available resources/commands for the Swagger API you just set
$ swagger-commander -h
Example using Swagger petstore demo
Show available sub-commands for the "pet" resource (output not shown)
$ swagger-commander pet -h
Show detailed help for the "addPet" operation (output not shown)
$ swagger-commander pet addPet -h
Run the addPet operation (notice the JSON enclosed in single quotes)
$ swagger-commander pet addPet '{"name":"Weasley", "status":"sold"}'
info: status: 200
info: data: {"id":1459973494707,"name":"Weasley","photoUrls":[],"tags":[],"status":"sold"}
Optionally use file as argument
$ swagger-commander pet addPet @path/to/file/pet.json
Get the pet object you just created
$ swagger-commander pet getPetById 1459973494707
info: status: 200
info: data: {"id":1459973494707,"name":"Weasley","photoUrls":[],"tags":[],"status":"sold"}
One time auth using header key or password auth (more available through help commands):
$ swagger-commander pet addPet {} -K "someHeaderAuth,nameOfHeader,someValue"
$ swagger-commander pet addPet {} -W "somePasswordAuth,user_name,password"
Note the authorization nickname, such as someHeaderAuth and somePasswordAuth in the above example, must match the security requirement in the specification (see the OAI Specification for details).
Store/save auth parameters:
$ TODO coming soon
Local swagger-commander config
By default, swagger-commander uses a global config file to run, but it will look in the current working directory for a file named ".swagger-commander.json" and use that instead.
Available config options for ".swagger-commander.json"
- "swagger_spec_url" - The full url to a Swagger spec.
- "auth" - A map of objects where the key matches the auth nickname defined in the Swagger spec, and the value is an auth object which varies depending on the type. See examples/.swagger-commander.json for complete details.
.swagger-commander.json example:
"swagger_spec_url": "http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json",
"auth": {
"somePasswordAuth": {
"type": "password",
"userName": "someUser",
"password": "somePassword"
"api_key": {
"type": "header",
"nameOfHeader": "api_key",
"value": "special-key"
JSON/Object arguments must be enclosed in single quotes and follow valid JSON rules (arguments enclosed in double quotes, etc)
Array arguments are comma seperated strings (DO NOT include array brackets)
$ swagger-commander pet findPetsByStatus "available, sold"