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Error Using ArduPilotPlugin With URDF Models

Open blakermchale opened this issue 4 years ago • 11 comments

I am currently working on getting the ardupilot plugin to work with multiple UAVs that are launched via URDF files. I was able to transition the SDF models to URDFs that spawn correctly and output all of the expected topics (imu topic, camera topic). The models make a connection with the ardupilot side and all of the SITL consoles launch appropriately without error. However, I cannot successfully get the UAV to arm and then takeoff. With the SDF models it works. One difference I see between the two cases, SDF and URDF, is that in the console for URDF ardupilot this error is constantly output "APM: PreArm: Accels inconsistent". Another difference is that when I send an "arm throttle" it shows "Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 4}" instead of "Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}". Any tips or examples on how to resolve this issue and get the URDF models to fly appropriately?

blakermchale avatar Mar 03 '20 05:03 blakermchale