mini-moulinette copied to clipboard
Test runner for 42 piscine assignments that simulates moulinette.
La mini moulinette a oublie de verifier l'ajout du caractere nul a la fin du C03 ex02 et elle me l'a valide alors que la moulinette me l'a refuse
so i was trying to check C00 ex06 using mini C00, the code in ex06 was giving the correct input of the exercice in other compilers. however, the moulinette says...
Take into consideration the max int (INT_MAX) to be evaluated. This will produce a TIMEOUT if its not deal correctly.
I added check for additional whitespace characters defined by isspace(3), since the exercise states: _The string can start with an arbitray amount of whitespace (as determined by isspace(3))._ Those characters...
Possible issue with ex04 - memory of the result is never freed ✓ [1] ft_strjoin with size 0 Expected "", got "" ✓ [2] ft_strjoin with size 1 Expected "Hello",...