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Add DFS Algo in C++/Algorithm/Searching directory and name the file as `dfsIterative.cpp` . Please go through the [contribution guide](https://github.com/khagapati-bagh/hacktoberfest2k21/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) before you start and follow the rules.
Add Recursive DFS Algo in C++/Algorithm/Searching directory and name the file as `dfsRecursive.cpp` . Please go through the [contribution guide](https://github.com/khagapati-bagh/hacktoberfest2k21/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) before you start and follow the rules.
I would like to implement selection sort algorithm in C language please assign this to me.
Add a single linkedlist in Java inside `Java/DataStructure` directory and name the file as `SingleLinkedList.java`. Please follow the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/khagapati-bagh/hacktoberfest2k21/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) without this your code will not be accepted.
Add a double linkedlist in Java inside `Java/DataStructure/LinkedList` directory and name the file as `DoubleLinkedList.java`. Please follow the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/khagapati-bagh/hacktoberfest2k21/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) without this your code will not be accepted.
Add postOrder traversal iterative approach for a binary tree in C++ inside `C++/DataStructure/Tree` directory and name the file as `postOrderTraversalIterative.cpp`. Please follow the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/khagapati-bagh/hacktoberfest2k21/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) without this your code will...
I have added the DFS Recursive code for 2D matrix in C++.
basicArithmeticCalculator file is added in C folder https://github.com/Meghwantsingh/hacktoberfest2k21/new/feature-branch/C review it and thanks for telling If you get any issue pls tell and i have some issue with branch ..So check....