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a curated list of shodan dorks for finding sensitive data in

Shodan Dorks

a curated list of shodan dorks for finding sensitive data in

1️⃣ Search for secret API keys publicly exposed on websites :

ex : Searching for slack API token on all the scanned websites


2️⃣ Search using 'favicon' hash :

  • One of the most accurate way of finding services

ex- Find all jenkins server :



3️⃣ Search using website's title :

ex - Find all grafana dashboards


4️⃣ Search services vulnerable to a particular CVE :

ex - Search all machines vulnerable to 'eternal blue'.


Search a particular CVE : ex - Services that are vulnerable to Heartbleed


Note:This is only available to users of higher API plan

5️⃣ Search for a particular port + service :

ex - SSH on port 22 or 3333
You can use this to find services on non-standard port.

Like : ssh -port:22

ssh which is not on port 22

ssh port:22,3333
proftpd port:21
ssh -port:22

6️⃣ Search for a particular OS :

e.g. Checking for vulnerable win 10 home version

os:"Windows 10 Home 19041"

7️⃣ Combine filters to generate more targeted results

e.g. All windows 7 machines in India

country:"IN" os:"windows 7"

top Shodan dorks

  • Jenkins CI
"X-Jenkins" "Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID" http.title:"Dashboard"
  • Docker Private Registries
"Docker-Distribution-Api-Version: registry" "200 OK" -gitlab
  • MongoDB mag_right
"MongoDB Server Information" port:27017 -authentication
  • FTP Servers with Anonymous Login
"220" "230 Login successful." port:21
  • Mongo Express Web GUI
"Set-Cookie: mongo-express=" "200 OK"
