
Results 286 comments of Athan

@rreusser Did you ever make any headway on your implementation? Or stated otherwise, how close were you to finishing an implementation for `factorial2`?

@Tranced See [`acoth`]( for a package on which you can model your implementation.

Unassigning this issue so other contributors can feel free to work on this.

@yashshah1 Sure! Go for it! Feel free to ping here or on Gitter if you encounter any issues or have any questions!

Not necessarily, as one can perform argument reduction for better accuracy. See [Julia](, for example.

Based on the reference implementation, implementing this package depends on kernel `sin`. cc/ @Planeshifter

No one was yet to work on this as we have yet to implement kernel `sin`. @Planeshifter may have some insight into timelines for this.

@Planeshifter Looks like we will also need kernel cosine, as well.

@Planeshifter Awesome! @vinothdinakar Feel free to submit a PR once you have a working prototype.

@vinothdinakar Just to give you an update, @Planeshifter managed to implement the various kernel packages: [@stdlib/math/base/special/kernel-sin]( [@stdlib/math/base/special/kernel-cos]( So, if you are still interested and/or already working on it, feel free...