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ClojureScript implementation of Facebook's Flux architecture
ClojureScript implementation of Facebook's Flux architecture
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
file for the latest release:
[cljs-flux "0.1.2"]
Currently, Facebook provides an implementation for Dispatcher.js. This repo contains a similar implementation.
Dispatcher is used to broadcast payloads to registered callbacks. This is different from generic pub-sub systems in two ways:
- Callbacks are not subscribed to particular events. Every payload is dispatched to every registered callback.
- Callbacks can be deferred in whole or part until other callbacks have been executed.
(require '[cljs-flux.dispatcher :refer :all])
(def flights (dispatcher))
(def store (atom {}))
;; register callback and store dispatch token
(def state-dispatch
(register flights
(fn [{:keys [state]}]
(when state
(swap! store assoc :state state)))))
;; register callback and store dispatch token
;; will wait for `state-dispatch'
(def city-dispatch
(register flights
(fn [{:keys [city]}]
(when city
(wait-for flights [state-dispatch])
(swap! store
:city city
:city-state (str city ", " (:state @store)))))))
;; register callback and store dispatch token
;; will wait for `city-dispatch' which will wait for `state-dispatch'
(def price-dispatch
(register flights
(fn [{:keys [price]}]
(when price
(wait-for flights [city-dispatch])
(swap! store
:price price
:desc (str "For $" price " you can fly to " (:city-state @store)))))))
(dispatch flights {:price 100 :city "Atlanta" :state "GA"})
(assert (= "For $100 you can fly to Atlanta, GA" (:desc @store)))
(unregister flights price-dispatch)
(dispatch flights {:city "Athens" :state "OH" :price "FREE"})
(assert (= "For $100 you can fly to Atlanta, GA" (:desc @store)))
(assert (= "Athens, OH" (:city-state @store)))
Copyright © 2015 Kyle Gann
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.