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How to run any Python code with only 4 (or 2) (or 1) distinct punctuation marks
Run-on Python
Minimizing Punctuation in Python
There are lots of punctuation marks that can appear in Python code. Strictly speaking, any punctuation mark can appear inside a string literal, but that's not really part of Python's syntax, as such marks won't actually mean anything to the interpreter[^1].
[^1]: I'm well aware of f-strings and its predecessors, but those are once again syntactic elements of the language.
Thus, this project considers all single punctuation marks that are syntactically valid outside of string literals. As of release 3.11[^2][^3], they are
! " # % & ' () * + , - . / : ; < = > @ [] \ ^ {} | ~
Compositions of two or three of the above symbols, like +=
or ...
, are just that, compositions, and are not taken to be distinct marks. However, we will have to ensure that all valid compositions are also unnecessary.
[^2]: If PEP-645 is accepted, which it rightly should, then ?
would enter the mix.
[^3]: _
is not a punctuation mark, but rather an identifier (and thus more or less a letter). Though string
thinks it is punctuation...
So the question is: how many of the above 28 punctuation marks are necessary to write any and all Python code?
As far as I can reason, the answer is four: ()
, :
, and *
, a measly two: @
and :
, or just one: :
, depending on the liberties you take along the way. Let's go over some of those.
Our Mission Statement
To exec
or Not To exec
Let's make it clear exactly what the goal is here. When I first started this project, I knew I had to avoid exec
and its cousins at all costs; it was already the key to minimizing the space of all characters to execute arbitrary code, as shown here.
This is extraordinarily boring, as wrapping all your code inside a string literal (and a hard-to-read one at that!) almost defeats the point, as one could simply write code as they always do and read the file into an encoder. There's no meat to the problem, not to mention that such code is unparseable by your favorite IDE. So, we weren't allowed to wrap everything up in a string and call it a day.
However, as I experimented with the use of decorators to forego explicit function calls, I realized that exec
could actually save the day. See, the normal way to use exec
to hack your way to universality requires three punctuation marks, ()
and +
, to chain chr
calls together, obtaining any character you need using only digits.
As I discovered, though, we can bring ourselves down to only two, @
and :
, to build those kinds of constructions. Now, this is where the judgment call comes in: using the three punctuation marks needed to normally use exec
in a minimal way is, frankly, boring. Meanwhile, working down to two is, in my opinion, much trickier and fun. Thus, I decided to bring exec
back for the show, to finally attain the true minimum of Python punctuationlessness.
So, a rift was formed: exec
was banned on one side, and glorified on the other. If you want to check out the original machinations, Run-on Python v4, head to v4/
; there you will find the original text of
, which explains how to weasel your way into punctuation nirvana without exec
. If you'd like to make Guido cry even more, and see how just two will do, you can check out Run-on Python v2 in v2/
, which has an accompanying
Both directories also include helper code that can be imported for use in other programs (see util/
). This helper code includes a number of useful constructs for the respective Run-on Python version, written entirely within their own constraints.
Some Common Bonds
Despite this rift, there are still some common principles underlying all of Run-on Python's code. Most important of them is the ability to emulate any possible Python syntax or construction. This doesn't mean that everything will be possible (most things certainly won't be), but that anything can be approximated well enough in form and function. For example, Run-on Python v4 dives into how to ditch the =
sign in code, replacing it with __eq__
calls and __setitem__
on the dictionary of variables. These substitutions match the function of =
(and ==
) exactly, at the interpreter level.
But what about default function arguments? You'd say there's no way to emulate those with some funky magic method, and you'd be correct. However, we can still approximate the form and function of default arguments by explicitly passing None
in our calls (which is what the interpreter is doing under the hood!). We can then write our functions like
def foo(bar, baz):
print(baz if baz is not None else "Default argument!")
This is just one small example of what Run-on Python is trying to do: let you write whatever code you want, but your keyboard is broken in a very specific way that doesn't let you type punctuation, and thus force you to take some creative liberties in getting that code to behave the same way.
Of course, "behave the same way" is a bit subjective sometimes, as one could claim that a Turing machine can "behave" identically to any Python program. You'd be right, but you'd also be very wrong: a Turing machine has no variables, nor classes, nor functions, nor printing to stdout
. Being able to compute anything is not quite enough.
Basically, one should be able to take any existing Python code, make some (probably several) adjustments, and obtain Run-on Python code (v2 or v4) that does the same thing in the same ways. Capiche? Cool, let's do it.
Wait, Didn't You Mention Using Just One?
I did. Recently, some of the lovely competitors on were intrigued by this project's premise. Within 24 hours, golfer extraordinaire @Lydxn devised the following contraption to perform arbitrary string execution with just one punctuation mark, :
, and a single copy of it at that:
from builtins import eval as __path__
from binascii import unhexlify as __getattr__
from __main__ import efbbbf7072696e74282248656c6c6f2c20776f726c64212229 as code
class __getattr__:
from builtins import exec as __contains__
from random import seed as __init__
from __main__ import _ as C
code in C
This code is a work of art, everything I could ever hope v1
to be and more, but I nonetheless hesitate slightly to consider it the end-all of this project's endeavors.
Firstly, you may notice that the code of interest is stored as a hex string in an identifier; we'll employ this trick in v2
to save some time and headaches, but the idea of it being strictly necessary is not quite my cup of tea.
Secondly, two external-but-builtin packages are utilized to "run" the compressed code. The way they are used, and the exploitation of the import
system in general, is a stroke of genius, but reliance on pure Python code which does not conform to our rules is troubling. We'll see that v2
itself requires the operator
package, though, so plenty of slack should be cut in this regard; then again, v4
needs none of this fiddling.
But at the end of the day, I love this code. And I love v4
, and I love v2
, and you should too. Something about journeys and destinations, and something else about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Some Other Notes
This challenge came to me in an afternoon, partly inspired by pyfuck. There's no good reason to ever write code this way, but it's kinda funny. Shoutout to @commandblockguy, @iPhoenix, and @LogicalJoe for comments and discussion on this monstrosity as it developed.
I'll update the utilities whenever I feel like it, and thus they may not exactly conform to any details I happen to give in the corresponding READMEs. Let it be an exercise for the coder to deduce exactly what everything is doing.
In particular, if I haven't gotten around to it yet, stuff may be broken because classes contain more magic methods by default than they used to. Adding (or subtracting, if you're downgrading your Python version) one or two to the index being fetched in the attribute fetchers should resolve things.