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An Awesome List for Audio Programming in Rust
Awesome Rust Audio
There are many projects available in the RustAudio group, which also has a Discourse, and a Discord. This is an effort to collect all the disparate projects and resources which may come in handy working with audio/music in Rust. Projects available in the RustAudio Github group will not be duplicated here, so have a look there too. Attempts have been made to only feature projects which have not been abandoned, i.e. with active development in the past year or so.
For more general resources for learning DSP, see here.
Pull requests welcome!
(note that vst-rs examples can be found here)
- Creating a Simple Synthesizer VST Plugin in Rust by doomy (repo)
- Writing an Audio Plugin in Rust (VST) by Joe Clay (repo)
- Creating a Synthesizer with Tuix, the cross-platform GUI toolkit, both by George Atkinson
- OctaSine, a VST2 frequency modulation synthesizer by Joakim Frostegård
- simple-eq by Mike Hilgendorf
- rusty-compressor by Mike Hilgendorf
- spectral-decay by Conundrumer
- baseplug, a high-level model/view/controller-ish audio plugin framework by William Light
GUI Examples
- imgui_baseview_test_vst2, an example plugin using baseview and imgui-rs by DGriffin91
- egui_baseview_test_vst2, an example plugin using baseview and egui by DGriffin91
- iced-baseplug-examples, example plugins using baseplug and iced by BillyDM (note: WIP)
- Rudiments, a step-sequencing drum machine by Jonas Michel
- Oscen, a library for building modular synthesizers by Reed Rosenbluth
- synthesizer-io by Raph Levien
- midir, a cross-platform realtime MIDI library by Patrick Reisert
Linux Only
- loopers, a graphic live looper by Micah Wylde
- mixjack, a mixer for JACK using Druid by Richard Dodd
-, open-source handling for Maschine Mikro mk2 by William Light
- alsa-rs, ALSA bindings for Rust by diwic