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transfer function coefficients and v.s. Matlab
Hi, KFR Community, Thanks for the help in advance for two issues.
- how to get the transfer function coefficients of IIR, such as "the 8th-order Chebyshev type I filter, lowpass" below
plot_save("chebyshev1_lowpass8", output, options + ", title='8th-order Chebyshev type I filter, lowpass'"); { zpk<fbase> filt = iir_lowpass(chebyshev2<fbase>(8, 80), 0.09); std::vector<biquad_params<fbase>> bqs = to_sos(filt); output = biquad<maxorder>(bqs, unitimpulse()); }
Code is from : https://github.com/kfrlib/kfr/blob/master/examples/iir.cpp
I understand that "filt" contains zeor-pole-gain forms, any help function inside to get transfer function coefficients?
- I print out some information of "filt" for the " the 12th-order Butterworth filter, bandpass' below. They are different from Matlab code. Any hint to get the same results?
zpk<fbase> filt = iir_bandstop(butterworth<fbase>(2), 0.0200, 0.6400);
std::cout << "filt.k = " << filt.k << "\n";
univector<complex<fbase>> z = filt.z;
univector<complex<fbase>> p = filt.p;
std::cout << "filt.z = \n";
for (int i = 0; i < z.size(); i++)
std::cout << z[i].real() << " + i " << z[i].imag() << "\n";
std::cout << "filt.p = \n";
for (int i = 0; i < z.size(); i++)
std::cout << p[i].real() << " + i " << p[i].imag() << "\n";
std::vector<biquad_params<fbase>> bqs = to_sos(filt);
for (int i = 0; i < bqs.size(); i++)
biquad_params<fbase> norm = bqs[i].normalized_all();
std::cout << "a =" << norm.a0 << ", " << norm.a1 << ", " << norm.a2 << " b=" << norm.b0 << ", "
<< norm.b1 << ", " << norm.b2 << "\n";
Output from KFR:
filt.k = 0.190617
filt.z =
0.905633 + i 0.424062
0.905633 + i 0.424062
0.905633 + i -0.424062
0.905633 + i -0.424062
filt.p =
0.955593 + i -0.0442401
0.955593 + i 0.0442401
-0.251103 + i 0.403472
-0.251103 + i -0.403472
Output from Matlab:
>> fbands=[0.0200 0.6400]
>> [bfz1,bfp1,bfk1]=butter(2,fbands,'bandpass')
bfz1 =
bfp1 =
-0.2511 + 0.4035i
-0.2511 - 0.4035i
0.9556 + 0.0442i
0.9556 - 0.0442i
bfk1 =
Bests, Bin
Hello, I downloaded the file and put the headers in the include path, but when using the filter, I encountered a return 1 error.. Please help me... I have been facing this error for several days and I am new
Building upon this issue, now that the input parameters of the iir_lowpass
filter are clearer.
I am getting a mismatch between matlab and kfr-cpp at the zeros, but not at the poles and the gain. Here it is:
Here is my kfr-cpp code:
// Filter design:
using namespace kfr;
int order = 8;
double Fcutoff_Hz = 400;
double Fsampling_Hz = 2500;
filt = iir_lowpass(butterworth<double>(order),Fcutoff_Hz, Fsampling_Hz);
// Printing parameters
univector<std::complex<double>> z = filt.z;
univector<std::complex<double>> p = filt.p;
std::cout << "filt.z = \n";
for (int i = 0; i < z.size(); i++){
std::cout << z[i].real() << " + i " << z[i].imag() << "\n";
std::cout << "filt.p = \n";
for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++){
std::cout << p[i].real() << " + i " << p[i].imag() << "\n";
std::cout << "filt.k = " << filt.k << "\n";
filt.z =
-1 + i 0
-1 + i 0
-1 + i 0
-1 + i 0
-1 + i 0
-1 + i 0
-1 + i 0
-1 + i 0
filt.p =
0.460048 + i -0.71099
0.364735 + i -0.477871
0.314816 + i -0.275602
0.293105 + i -0.0901044
0.293105 + i 0.0901044
0.314816 + i 0.275602
0.364735 + i 0.477871
0.460048 + i 0.71099
filt.k = 0.000544958
And this is the matlab counterpart:
order = 8;
Fcutoff_Hz = 400;
Fsampling_Hz = 2500;
Fnyquist_Hz = Fsampling_Hz/2;
Wn = Fcutoff_Hz/Fnyquist_Hz;
[b, a] = butter(order, Wn, 'low')
[z,p,k] = tf2zpk(b,a)
z =
-1.0217 + 0.0000i
-1.0152 + 0.0154i
-1.0152 - 0.0154i
-0.9998 + 0.0215i
-0.9998 - 0.0215i
-0.9848 + 0.0151i
-0.9848 - 0.0151i
-0.9786 + 0.0000i
p =
0.4600 + 0.7110i
0.4600 - 0.7110i
0.3647 + 0.4779i
0.3647 - 0.4779i
0.3148 + 0.2756i
0.3148 - 0.2756i
0.2931 + 0.0901i
0.2931 - 0.0901i
k =
Note that the order is different but the values are the same. Is this a bug, or am I missing something...?
Thanks @BinDong314 for opening this issue. It helped me getting ob track for my own purposes with kfr.
I add some info. Interestingly enough, the matlab result is not the same when requesting directly the zpk representation. With the same input parameters:
[z,p,k] = butter(order, Wn, 'low')
Output (which is, indeed, the same as in kfr-cpp):
z =
p =
0.4600 + 0.7110i
0.4600 - 0.7110i
0.3647 + 0.4779i
0.3647 - 0.4779i
0.2931 + 0.0901i
0.2931 - 0.0901i
0.3148 + 0.2756i
0.3148 - 0.2756i
k =