react-native-cached-image copied to clipboard
Unexpected error on render <CachedImage />
Error in callNativeModules();
Malformed calls from JS: fields sizes are different.
This issue is caused by the latest version is using react-native-fetch-blob
instead of using rn-fetch-blob
@fungilation makes a fork that's correct the dependency, so i sugest to use this fork.
npm uninstall react-native-cached-image --save
- Check if the folder
still onnode_modules
and remove completely. -
npm uninstall react-native-fetch-blob --save
react-native unlink react-native-fetch-blob
npm install rn-fetch-blob --save
react-native link rn-fetch-blob
npm install fungilation/react-native-cached-image --save
- ❤️
If react-native-fetch-blob
changed their name to rn-fetch-blob
should we just merge @fungilation's fork and merge it into master?
The library react-native-cached-image
is completely broken right now on latest versions of react-native
is officially discontinued in favor of rn-fetch-blob
@JensDebergh yes please - this is causing all sorts of issues, including breaking release builds for Android
The project according to the contributors charts and the last commits seem rather dead,so unfortunately i have the feeling the PR is not going to be merged any soon.
@kfiroo Would be great if the README could mention to use fungilation/react-native-cached-image or any more popular fork you'll recommend. All the failed installs are consuming a lot of power energy and we are killing polar bears by giving outdated code without warnings.
@joaom182 Great, been trying to debug it all day you just made my day
netinfo package is needed now.
I know. See my last commit on my fork, tested to work with up to RN 0.59.5:
On topic of maintenance and forking: