hexo-theme-jelly icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hexo-theme-jelly copied to clipboard

A simple, elegant light theme for hexo.


A wonderful, elegant and eye-protected light theme for hexo. Adapted from two previous themes, Yilia and smackdown, it has made lots of changes in the UI, fixed some bugs and added other features.



preview site


preview1.png preview2.png

Installation method

git clone https://github.com/preccrep/hexo-theme-jelly.git themes/jelly


Modify the _config.yml file in your blog's root directory:

theme: jelly


Enter your blog's root directory in the terminal, and

cd themes/jelly
git pull

Theme Config

The theme config file is in the themes/jelly directory. Open the _config.yml file and you will see:

# Header
  Home: /
  Archives: /archives

# links with icon in the left-column bar
  # github: "#"
  # mail: "#"
  # rss: "/atom.xml"
  # zhihu: "#"
  # weibo: "#"
  # douban: "#"
  # facebook: "#"
  # google: "#"
  # twitter: "#"
  # linkedin: "#"

# Set rss to false to disable feed link
# Leave rss as blank to use site's feed link, and install hexo-generate-feed
# Set rss to specific value if you have burned your feed already
rss: /atom.xml

# you can modify the value of excerpt_link to whatever you like
excerpt_link: learn more
fancybox: true
mathjax: false

# enable the animation effect, recommended
animate: true

# whether to open the link in the new window
open_in_new: false

favicon: /img/favicon.ico

# your avatar's url

# NetEase Cloud Music (wangyiyun of course)
  enable: false
  # id of a certain music on NetEase Cloud Music

# if you need to enable disqus, set 'disqus_shortname' to your disqus username
# disqus_shortname:

# whether to enable tagcloud
tagcloud: true

# whether to enable leancloud to count visitors
  enable: false
  app_id: your_app_id
  app_key: your_app_key

# whether to enable the friend links, if not, set 'friends' to false and do not add any link
# friends: false
  github: https://github.com/
# a brief introduction to yourself
aboutme: I'm a developer.

Uncomment the lines that are commented out in the _config.yml file according to your needs.

Use <!-- more --> to specify which part to be revealed in the home page.

Add a .jpg picture and rename it bg.jpg and put it in the themes/jelly/source/img as your background picture (must be that name, or you should change the name in the style.styl file in the css directory).

Recent Update

Bug fixed

2021.7.30 - table display overflow