iOSUnityVuforiaGuide copied to clipboard
Equivalent Android Guide?
Thank you so much, this was extremely helpful. Have you needed to do that same thing on Android? Can you point to an equally helpful resource for that?
Sorry for contacting through the Issues form. I couldn't see another way to contact you.
Hi! I've tried to play a bit with Android and as I remember it was pretty easy. By clicking "Generate Google Android Project", adding your own activity and setting it as main activity. I tried same thing - starting Unity Activity from custom one and everything seemed work good.
Thanks again for the great writeup! I'll give this a shot too.
hi ,Can you help me ? I find some questions.I make my projetc step by step , but it seems like the project can't run.
question as : In file included from /Users/Shared/Unity/JZFAR/JZFBest/Libraries/Plugins/iOS/ /Users/Shared/Unity/JZFAR/JZFBest/Libraries/Plugins/iOS/VuforiaRenderDelegate.h:7:9: fatal error: 'PluginBase/RenderPluginDelegate.h' file not found #import "PluginBase/RenderPluginDelegate.h" ^ 1 error generated.
Not sure if anyone has seen this yet: