keys icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
keys copied to clipboard

Key management is hard

Results 30 keys issues
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Support macOS' touch ID for FIDO2 login to the vault (if possible) :)

Even simple sigchain timestamping allows to prove useful things like, ex: * key `X` exists since at least date `D1` * revocation of `X` has been issued before `D2` *...


See title. I don't see an option for this. thanks!

Unfortunately the only way to sign a key for a domain with currently is via uploading a file to a server. This does not verify a domain, this simply...


Binary or Armored `detached` signatures created with the CLI cannot be verified in the GUI. Only attached signatures work. ``` # GUI FAIL "failed to verify: failed to verify file:...

If you paste armored text into GUI decrypt tool (whether created with mode encrypt or signcrypt) the GUI will display the decrypted plaintext directly within the GUI. However, if you...

The help text for `--out` is missing a closing parenthesis. This help text should also indicate how STDIN and STDOUT can be used. ``` ❯ keys encrypt -h NAME: keys...

next release

Without this, accidental logout happens as you try to figure out if this button clears an input field. A more standard UI icon for signout might be preferred as well.

On encryption, I think there should be some easier way to default to a sender, rather than needing to specify it all the time. Maybe the first key created? For...


Hi! I stumbled upon this project yesterday. Even though it looks interesting to me, I can't find any info about threat models and how deals with them. Is
