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An example Node.js app that integrates Keygen with Paddle for accepting payments.

Example Keygen + Paddle integration

The following web app is written in Node.js and shows how to integrate Keygen and Paddle together using webhooks. This example app utilizes Paddle subscriptions to showcase how to create a concurrent/per-seat licensing system, where the customer is billed for each active machine that is associated with their license.

The licensing model is implemented by utilizing Paddle's subscription quantity feature. Each time a new machine is associated with a customer's license, the subscription's quantity is incremented by 1; likewise, each time a machine is removed, the subscription's quantity is decremented by 1.

See our Electron example application for ideas on how to integrate this type of licensing into your product.

This example application is not 100% production-ready, but it should get you 90% of the way there. You may need to add additional logging, error handling, as well as listening for additional webhook events.

🚨 Don't want to host your own webhook server? Check out our Zapier integration.

Running the app

First up, configure a few environment variables:

# Your Paddle vendor ID (available at https://vendors.paddle.com/account under "Integrations")

# Your Paddle API key (available at https://vendors.paddle.com/account under "Integrations")

# Your Paddle public key (available at https://vendors.paddle.com/account under "Public Key")
export PADDLE_PUBLIC_KEY=$(printf %b \
  '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n' \
  'zdL8BgMFM7p7+FGEGuH1I0KBaMcB/RZZSUu4yTBMu0pJw2EWzr3CrOOiXQI3+6bA\n' \
  # …
  'efK41Ml6OwZB3tchqGmpuAsCEwEAaQ==\n' \
  '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----')

# Paddle plan ID to subscribe customers to

# Keygen product token (don't share this!)

# Your Keygen account ID

# The Keygen policy to use when creating licenses for new customers
# after they successfully subscribe to a plan

You can either run each line above within your terminal session before starting the app, or you can add the above contents to your ~/.bashrc file and then run source ~/.bashrc after saving the file.

Next, install dependencies with yarn:


Then start the app:

yarn start

Testing webhooks locally

For local development, create an ngrok tunnel:

ngrok http 8080

Next up, add the secure ngrok URL to your Paddle and Keygen accounts to listen for webhooks.

  1. Paddle: add https://{YOUR_NGROK_URL}/paddle-webhooks to https://vendors.paddle.com/account under "Alerts", subscribe to subscription_created, subscription_updated, and subscription_cancelled
  2. Keygen: add https://{YOUR_NGROK_URL}/keygen-webhooks to https://app.keygen.sh/webhook-endpoints

Testing the integration

Visit the following url: http://localhost:8080 and fill out the Paddle checkout form to subscribe.


Reach out at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns!