Remy Willems

Results 67 issues of Remy Willems

### Description Mature the `IPhase` concept by bigger use of it in more locations. In particular, it is now used for verification and verification coverage diagnostics. Specific changes: - Let...

Fixes #4762 (actually, it's only truly fixed until we remove `--verify-included files`, but our migration policy prevents doing this until we do another release. IMO the migration policy of always...

Currently [this]( document that contains guidelines for the development of Dafny, reads `As rule, Dafny features must be marked as deprecated, including migration instructions, at least one release before they...

kind: enhancement
kind: language development speed ``` [ 00:04:02.88] --- End of stack trace from previous location --- Failed Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.IntegrationTest.ProjectFiles.CompetingProjectFilesTest.ProjectFileDoesNotOwnAllSourceFilesItUses [49 s] Error Message: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException : A task was canceled. Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.IntegrationTest.Util.TestNotificationReceiver`1.AwaitNextNotificationAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)...

kind: language development speed

Run: ``` [ 00:19:12.55] Finished: IntegrationTests Failed VSI-Benchmarks/b6.dfy [14 s] Error Message: System.Exception : Command returned non-zero exit code (134): dotnet /home/runner/work/dafny/dafny/dafny/Source/IntegrationTests/bin/Debug/net6.0/Dafny.dll /vcsCores:2 /useBaseNameForFileName /compileVerbose:0 /timeLimit:300 /showSnippets:0 /compile:0 TestFiles/LitTests/LitTest/VSI-Benchmarks/b6.dfy...

kind: bug
kind: language development speed
misc: tests
part: boogie
priority: next
during 2: compilation of correct program

If I have project A, A*, B and C, where B depends on A, C depends on B, and A and A* have the same type signature. Then if I...

kind: bug
priority: not yet
during 3: execution of incorrect program

The test `DatatypeObjectWithTwoDestructorsWhoseValuesAreEqual` seems to fail sometimes. ``` [ 00:00:45.61] --- End of stack trace from previous location --- Failed Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.IntegrationTest.Various.CounterExampleTest.DatatypeObjectWithTwoDestructorsWhoseValuesAreEqual(optionSettings: Action`1 { Method = Void b__1_0(Microsoft.Dafny.DafnyOptions), Target =...

kind: language development speed ``` [ 00:12:47.72] --- End of stack trace from previous location --- Failed Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.IntegrationTest.Performance.ThreadUsageTest.NoExtraThreadAfterEachChange [11 s] Error Message: Assert.InRange() Failure Range: (-5 - 5) Actual: -9 Stack Trace: at...

kind: language development speed There was a concurrent collection modification exception, but sadly only part of the exception is shown in the log: ``` [ 00:03:27.83] --- End of stack trace from previous...

kind: language development speed
priority: next ``` [ 00:09:30.53] lowest division 0.7067082821128992 Failed Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.IntegrationTest.Performance.LargeFilesTest.QuickEditsInLargeFile [2 m 6 s] Error Message: averageTimeToSchedule: 129.15138775510204 Expected: True Actual: False Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.IntegrationTest.Performance.LargeFilesTest.QuickEditsInLargeFile() in /Users/runner/work/dafny/dafny/dafny/Source/DafnyLanguageServer.Test/Performance/LargeFilesTest.cs:line 92 --- End...

kind: language development speed
priority: next