Kevin Wagener
Kevin Wagener
No, it was definitely me going at it like a madman! The multiplier won't have helped matters but I don't want you to think that's what caused it. I got...
Wow, so that was a full 24 hour lockout I got for doing that! Lesson learned - don't try opening every menu on the site in the space of 5...
I've been having similar problems, both with Pluto TV and Samsung TV Plus on my CoreELEC box (CE-20 Nexus Nightly Builds). Usually, things freeze up at the end of an...
> Kodi already has a watched/unwatched status for each link. We should let it manage that part. Yes, it does but it doesn't have an aggregated list of your next...
> Do you know the api of this site?
@joaopa00 Thanks for doing this, it'll be awesome to have a bit more UK functionality :) (I think there's an error in your link URL - I get a 404...
@joaopa00 Am I able to paste that file into the addon on my system and try it out or does it need more work first?
> For now, this file fetches the title of the episodes only. It can not play any stream. > > Recently, I had some progress in playing streams. But I...
Well that sucks then! Is there anything in the online API documentation about how to do it? There seemed to be quite a lot of documentation at the API URL...
Once you've signed up for a developer account at []( and you're logged in, the page to request an API Key is at []( I noticed that on the [interactive...