Thanks again. Had a wee read but dont really understand it? Are you on Irc freenode ?
Im on now under mm0kjg
Thanks Jared, Its Scottish Kev here. The frequency I am using is Pocsag only 512,1200,2400 . All signals can be decoded with Pdw and sdr# have tried various gain settings...
Thanks furrtek. I think the issue is that it's picking up a nearby flex system on an adjacent which possibly confusing the decode. Are you planning any new goodies to...
Hello all , Is anyone managing to decode pocsag. I only manage to decode every now and again. Signals are good its is definately pocsag1200 and Pdw which is running...
Will try thanks
Hello furrtek, Here is a captured file from Edinburgh Uk. []( Hope this helps. Gain settings 32 32 16k 153.350
Hi furrtek, What colour should the rssi bar be when rx signal. It shows red with me?
Hello again, Not seeing much blue on the pocsag rx mode can see it on the same frequency in audio mode? Furrtek what is your name or do you just...
FAO Furrtek, Hello there, I think I know why the decoding of the pocsag is so intermittent. I ran the unit in hackrf mode on pc and tried decoding with...