Kevin Parsons
Kevin Parsons
On Windows k8s, the log rotation itself does not occur from containerd. Rather, something else (presumably the kubelet) rotates the logs, and then calls [CRI's `ReopenContainerLog`]( function to tell the...
In addition to kubelet or containerd logs, another thing that may help is to collect the output of [handle.exe]( for the log file in question when the problem occurs. This...
It looks like Kubelet is taking an already rotated log file (`0.log.20220720-212745`), copying its contents into a gzipped temp file (`0.log.20220720-212745.tmp`), and then renaming the temp file to the final...
@jterry75 This looks good to me. Maybe we could try to clarify the _exact_ behavior of what ArgsEscaped implies in Moby, but as we [discussed]( it is quite complicated (and...
> > @jterry75 This looks good to me. Maybe we could try to clarify the _exact_ behavior of what ArgsEscaped implies in Moby, but as we [discussed]( it is quite...
This is interesting. I'm not sure how `ArgsEscaped` could be set on a Linux image. Looking at the moby code, it appears the `ArgsEscaped` value should come from `resolveCmdLine`, which...
I think this will break VM-isolated containers on Windows. We rely on the CNI running before the pause container is started, since CNI creates the HCN endpoint, and we look...
@dcantah can you take a look to confirm if this will affect the vm-isolated container work you are doing?
One piece of this work is in #6901. It would be nice to have a checklist in the issue for each piece of implementation that needs to be done, with...
> Looks like CIs failing because of the dockerhub rate limit 🙃 > > "Error response from daemon: toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the...