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Easily build and deploy your Dart web app to GitHub pages

Pub Package CI

Run flutter build web or dart pub run build_runner build and put the output in another branch. An easy way to update gh-pages.


$ dart pub global activate peanut


$ flutter pub global activate peanut


$ peanut


$ flutter pub global run peanut

This will build your project into a temporary directory, and then it will update the local gh-pages branch with the build output.

Read more about peanut in this article.


$ peanut --help
Usage: peanut [<args>]

-d, --directories                The directories that should be built.
                                 (defaults to "web")
-b, --branch                     The git branch where the built content should
                                 be committed.
                                 (defaults to "gh-pages")
-c, --build-config               The configuration to use when running
    --[no-]release               Flutter: enabled passes `--release`, otherwise
                                 passes `--profile`.
                                 Other: enabled passes `--release`, otherwise
                                 passes `--no-release`.
                                 (defaults to on)
-m, --message                    (defaults to "Built <directories>")
    --[no-]source-branch-info    Includes the name of the source branch and SHA
                                 in the commit message
                                 (defaults to on)
    --post-build-dart-script     Optional Dart script to run after all builds
                                 have completed, but before files are committed
                                 to the repository.
    --builder-options            Builder options YAML or a path to a file
                                 containing builder options YAML.
                                 See the README for details.
    --[no-]verbose               Print more details when running.
    --dry-run                    Verifies configuration and prints commands that
                                 would be executed, but does not do any work.
    --web-renderer               The renderer implementation to use when
                                 building for the web. Flutter web only.

          [auto] (default)       Use the HTML renderer on mobile devices, and
                                 CanvasKit on desktop devices.
          [canvaskit]            This renderer uses WebGL and WebAssembly to
                                 render graphics.
          [html]                 This renderer uses a combination of HTML, CSS,
                                 SVG, 2D Canvas, and WebGL.

    --extra-args                 Extra arguments to provide to the target CLI
                                 within a single string.
                                 --extra-args "--dart-define TEST_VAR=123"
                                 --extra-args "--dart-define --base-href=/base/"
-h, --help                       Prints usage information.
    --version                    Print the current version.

Configuration file

peanut also supports a configuration file. Convenient if you have one-off settings you'd rather not type every time you deploy.

The peanut.yaml from this repository:

# Configuration for
  - example


    • Output:
    • No custom configuration.
    • Output:
    • Custom peanut.yaml file to specify builder-options and example as the source directory.
    • Output:
    • Custom peanut.yaml file to specify builder-options, multiple source directories, and a custom post-build file.

Git tricks

The easiest way to push your gh-pages branch to github (without switching from your working branch) is:

$ git push origin --set-upstream gh-pages

To create (or update) your local gh-pages branch to match what's on the server.

$ git update-ref refs/heads/gh-pages origin/gh-pages

This is also useful if you want to undo a peanut run.