Len Boyette

Results 47 comments of Len Boyette

I don't officially support it, because I haven't tested it, but it could work for some cases. When running multiple workers, I force a single one in Windows, because [it...

Ah, gotcha. In that case, `pytest-xdist` seems like the only option. As for the `--dist` param, that's out-of-scope for this package. Distributing across multiple machines is what `pytest-xdist` is good...

Thanks for filing. The fix probably requires monkeypatching `os._exit`

Interesting. Are you seeing this with `--workers` or `--tests-per-worker`?

Looks like it happens in either scenario. Thanks for reporting!

Thanks for the feedback. The `--junitxml` problem is new to me, but I've created an issue to track it: #24. I also wasn't aware that `pytest-html` created a messy report....

There's no global codecov config. Incidentally, I made you a contributor to the project.

> > I'm a little confused because this is the issue tracker for pytest-parallel... does pytest-parallel uses pytest-xdist somehow? > > yes it uses pytest-xdist that is the reason I...

Hmm. `fireway` only does roll-forward migrations, so migrations should only be run once per database (once for staging, once for prod). If you'd like to make additional changes, create another...

> > fireway only does roll-forward migrations > > I understand, by the way what is the underlying reason for this current limitation? > In any case, it'd be very...