ntype copied to clipboard
Fixing download issues that come from Font.download() and issues with the output OTF files.
https://github.com/kevinzweerink/ntype/blob/4c26df34fc4f80f6314f856c3b7fc17b3895458b/js/export.js#L65 opentype.min.js raises:
Not allowed to navigate top frame to filesystem URL: filesystem: opentype.min.js:14
Which comes from:
Font.prototype.download = function () {
var t = this.familyName.replace(/\s/g, "") + "-" + this.styleName + ".otf",
e = this.toBuffer();
window.requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem, window.requestFileSystem(window.TEMPORARY, e.byteLength, function (n) {
n.root.getFile(t, {
create: !0
}, function (t) {
t.createWriter(function (n) {
var i = new DataView(e),
o = new Blob([i], {
type: "font/opentype"
n.write(o), n.addEventListener("writeend", function () {
location.href = t.toURL()
}, !1)
}, function (t) {
throw t
This is due to a google chrome update that came in 2017:
Intent to Deprecate and Remove: Top-frame navigations to data URLs
Instead of using Font.prototype.download, i suggest just directly downloading the blob:
Replace https://github.com/kevinzweerink/ntype/blob/4c26df34fc4f80f6314f856c3b7fc17b3895458b/js/export.js#L65
var filename = Font.familyName.replace(/\s/g, "") + "-" + Font.styleName + ".otf";
var blob = new Blob([[new DataView(Font.toBuffer())]], { type: "font/opentype" });
// standard blob download code
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = url;
link.setAttribute("download", filename);
This worked and it gave me the otf files to download.
There were a few issues with the otf file:
The glyphs work:
Its just that they're extremely tiny by default. The glyphs above are at 360pt
Also, it'd be convenient if there was a way to duplicate these glyphs for lowercase characters as well, it'd make it much more easier to work with them.