facebook-scraper copied to clipboard
how can i avoid to temporarily ban for get_profile?
Hi guys,
I need help on get_profile function i have 2 different sleep on my code first one is time.sleep(randint(10, 18))
second one is time.sleep(60)
. Well im still getting temporarily ban any suggesions?
def check_login(username, password):
return _scraper.login(username, password)
i always getting ban when i scarape 23. users profile so when iter came 20 im trying to loging with new account but still getting ban?
Facebook makes this intentionally difficult to prevent the likes of Cambridge Analytica. You have to slow down even further. See https://github.com/kevinzg/facebook-scraper/issues/542 and https://github.com/kevinzg/facebook-scraper/issues/390
Facing the same issue, what is the recommended sleep duration between scrapings? @neon-ninja
Try one profile per minute
I get banned when doing 1 profile every 5 minutes. Depends if you're getting all the friends/followers as well. Post what you're attempting, so we can all learn from our mistakes.. ;)