facebook-scraper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
facebook-scraper copied to clipboard

get_profiles is reason to getting banned

Open l0rtk opened this issue 2 years ago • 6 comments


i've used many features from this repo and work many things well but i've just noticed that when i call multiple times get_profile my fb account is getting banned, are there any solution?

l0rtk avatar Nov 02 '21 20:11 l0rtk

How many profiles are you requesting, and how fast? Is it a temporary ban or a permanent one?

neon-ninja avatar Nov 02 '21 21:11 neon-ninja

About 50 profiles in 6 minutes with delay of 3 seconds, Temporary ban

l0rtk avatar Nov 03 '21 06:11 l0rtk

That doesn't sound like typical human behavior, so a temporary ban is to be expected. Add more delay.

neon-ninja avatar Nov 03 '21 06:11 neon-ninja

increased delay from 10 to 15 randomly but still same problem, the Facebook anti profile scraper is quite good :)

l0rtk avatar Nov 03 '21 07:11 l0rtk

I think you have Cambridge Analytica to thank for that. Try one per minute.

neon-ninja avatar Nov 03 '21 07:11 neon-ninja

You can use multiple dummy accounts for scraping too. Try split the 50 into sets of 10 maybe.

ReemOmer avatar Feb 13 '23 13:02 ReemOmer