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Bigtop-Manager is a platform for managing Bigtop components. Inspired by Apache Ambari.


JDK: Requires JDK 17 or 21
Metadata DB: Mariadb or Mysql




mvn clean package -DskipTests


  1. Create Database which named "bigtop_manager", Configure DB connect name & password, default both are 'root'
  2. Run SQL DDL Script at bigtop-manager-server/src/main/resources/ddl/MySQL-DDL-CREATE.sql
  3. Insert Test SQL Data at dev-support/example/bigtop_manager/user.sql
  4. Start bigtop-manager-server bigtop-manager-server/src/main/java/org/apache/bigtop/manager/server/
  5. Start bigtop-manager-agent similiar with run bm-server
  6. Start bigtop-manager-ui configure nodejs environmment, default folder is bigtop-manager-ui/node, then run with package.json
  7. Visit http://localhost:5173/, default login user & password are "admin"

How to test a Service

  1. Login
  2. Create cluster ->Register host
  3. Installation Services
  4. Start Service
  5. Stop Service

API Testing

  • request http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html to check swagger API Doc

How to test bm-monitoring

  1. Install Prometheus LTS Version
  2. Configure prometheus.yml, add below code into scrape_configs
- job_name: "bm-agent-host"
  metrics_path: "/actuator/prometheus"
    - targets: ["agent1 ip/hostname:8081", "agent2 ip/hostname:8081", ...]
  1. Configure Prometheus Query Info at bigtop-manager-server/src/main/resources/application.yml
  prometheus-host: "http://localhost:9090"
  agent-host-job-name: "bm-agent-host"