Kevin van der Burgt
Kevin van der Burgt
Seems like a [404 page]( to me?
Tried to reproduce your issue, but it looks fine on my end. Can you create an example project where this happens?
+1 for this one! I am also intrested in this feature.
Any workarounds available to already use cuid2 with the current release of prisma?
The Laravel out-of-box `auth` works fine, however, I wouldn't recommend using session for it. Maybe take a loot at JWT tokens for example. Or you can create your own autorization...
@yusukebe is the reason known why the node-server seems that 'slow'?
It should be easier using GitHub workflows to build those binaries for various platforms. However, using the dockerfile on the platform works fine too :-) If you want, I could...
@x4m Any change you're running it with Rosetta? If not, how do you run PG on the M2?
@x4m ah, this issue isn't about compiling but the prebuild binaries in the releases 😁
It's fine for me and my team as we host our own binaries for now. We would like to prevent that members have to install all sorts of build tools.