hdlparse copied to clipboard
Corrected regexes to filter out comments and properly recognize keywords.
Hi, I fixed some of your lexer regexes to properly parse parameters and not include comments in parsing. Below some before and after and Verilog code, based on which I generated the output.
And now the code, from which the test was generated.
module smart_udp_rx #(
// Trigger bit width
parameter TRIGGER_WIDTH = 16,
// Trigger value which should cause the data to be written
// or passed forward
parameter TRIGGER_VALUE = 12666,
// AXI bus width in bits.
// The value shall be a multiple of 8 and be less than or equal
// to REG_WIDTH.
parameter AXI_WIDTH = 8,
// Register (output data width)
// This should be a multiple of 8 and more than or equal to AXI_WIDTH.
// The data is saved LSB to MSB if the AXI_WIDTH is smaller than REG_WIDTH.
// If non-registered mode is used, the data on the output will be aligned
// to the LSB, so for a 32-bit register and 16-bit AXI_WIDTH, usable data
// will be presented on bits [15:0].
parameter REG_WIDTH = 32,
// The number of AXI transaction at which the data should start
// to be sampled
parameter OFFSET = 0,
// If 1, the output will be registered and be valid in between the incoming
// packets, if 0 the data will be passed without any registering (purely
// combinational)
parameter REGISTERED = 1
//# {{clocks|}}
input clk,
input rst,
//# {{trig|Triggering}}
// Trigger signal - it can be a UDP port or any signal, in fact.
input [TRIGGER_WIDTH-1:0] trigger_vector_in,
// Trigger valid indicator. When 1, the trigger_vector_in is considered
// valid. The trigger must remain valid at least until the end of the
// transmission.
input trigger_valid_in,
//# {{axi|AXI Stream}}
// AXI-Stream signals
input [AXI_WIDTH-1:0] axi_data_in,
input axi_data_valid_in,
input axi_data_last_in,
// This is and additional 'valid' signal. However, this shall stay asserted
// (1) for the whole transmission period regardless of the valid signal,
// which can indicate pauses in the transfer, this signal sets the boundaries
// of the whole transaction.
input axi_data_ready_in,
//# {{out|Data output}}
// Data output, registered or not depending on the parameters.
output [REG_WIDTH-1:0] rx_data_out,
// Indicates the data on rx_data_out are valid and ready to be read.
// The state is kept until the data stops being valid.
output rx_data_ready_out,
// Indicates the data on rx_data_out are valid and ready to be read.
// The state is kept for one clock cycle.
output rx_data_ready_out_pulse