monotouch-facebook icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
monotouch-facebook copied to clipboard

Need example of posting a link to the wall

Open cnordvik opened this issue 14 years ago • 1 comments

I managed to integrate the library with my app but I saw that the publish-button code has not been translated to .net. Not the easiest of code so would be great to have a .net example of posting a link to the users wall.

PublishButton.TouchDown += delegate { // SBJSON jsonWriter = [[SBJSON new] autorelease]; //
// NSDictionary
actionLinks = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: // @"Always Running",@"text",@"",@"href", nil], nil]; //
// NSString actionLinksStr = [jsonWriter stringWithObject:actionLinks]; // NSDictionary attachment = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: // @"a long run", @"name", // @"The Facebook Running app", @"caption", // @"it is fun", @"description", // @"", @"href", nil]; // NSString attachmentStr = [jsonWriter stringWithObject:attachment]; // NSMutableDictionary params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: // kAppId, @"api_key", // @"Share on Facebook", @"user_message_prompt", // actionLinksStr, @"action_links", // attachmentStr, @"attachment", // nil]; //
// [_facebook dialog: @"stream.publish" // andParams: params // andDelegate:self]; };

cnordvik avatar Jan 26 '11 12:01 cnordvik

cnordvik, here's a short (and partial) example:

        Facebook fb = new Facebook(kMyAppId);

        NSMutableDictionary parms = new NSMutableDictionary ();

        parms.Add ("message", "this is the default message");

        String videoImg = "";
        String videoLink = "";
        String videoSource = "";

        parms.Add("picture", videoImg);
        parms.Add("link", videoLink);
        parms.Add ("source", videoSource);

        parms.Add ("name", "this is a name");
        parms.Add ("caption", "this is a caption");
        parms.Add ("description", "this is a description");

        fb.Dialog ("feed", parms, this);

Note this assumes that "this" already extends FBDialogDelegate. It also makes use of the following extension method, so you don't have to create a lot of NSStrings by hand:

    public static void Add (this NSMutableDictionary dict, String key, String val)
        dict.Add (new NSString (key), new NSString (val));

ghost avatar Mar 01 '11 23:03 ghost