caffe-cvprw15 copied to clipboard
:heart::coffee: Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Image Retrieval (CVPRW15)
matlab is too expensive.. or maybe it can be completely implemented by caffe?
When I test the feature after cropped image,the binary code change strongely,and result change when do the image retrieval,how to solve the problem?appreciate your help
There are some errors when run the training script ./ I0831 11:56:43.312741 24302 caffe.cpp:115] Finetuning from /home/dl/zy/DLBHC/caffe-cvprw15-master/models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel F0831 11:56:43.668262 24302 upgrade_proto.cpp:630] Check failed: ReadProtoFromBinaryFile(param_file, param) Failed to parse NetParameter file:...